80% of people who commit suicide have made at least one previous attempt.
People with a diagnosed mental health condition are at particular risk.
90% of suicide victims suffer from a psychiatric disorder at the time of their death.
Those at the highest risk of suicide are people suffering from alcoholism, clinical depression or schizophrenia. Previous suicide attempts are also an indication of particular risk.
Up to 20% of survivors try again within a year, and as a group they are 100 times more likely to go on to complete suicide than those who have never attempted suicide.
The world population is estimated to number 7.094 billion by the United States Census Bureau (USCB).
Rar Rar Rar…
How do you switch off your suicidal brain?
Stupidly purchased helium tank, plastic bags etc.
Have sleeping tablets and drink at hand.
Can’t stop thinking about killing myself.
Have this dark feeling that everyone is pretty horrible including myself.
Constantly tired at the moment and have no motivation to do anything.
Am in touch with professionals
In a safe place
But haven’t told anyone I want to kill myself.
I am dangerously depressed.
Death doesn’t scare me, it’s a comforting thought- Â that scares me.
And I don’t care about the pain I might suffer in order to end my life. – Another scary thought.
I’ve had a few serious failed attempts  so I don’t want to survive  this time or I will probably end up in Psychiatric unit, dis-figured, worse off etc.
Wfejskdjdjksnj Rant over
When training dog to stop fixating on a object or another dog, smell, sound, what have you and entering the red zone, the trainer, like a mother dog, will use touch/ nip to snap the dog out of it. This will disengage the fight or flight instinctual response in the moment. Calm intention practice will in time help to eliminate the reaction to the stimuli and instead if you will the dog learns to respond.
Interesting how a dog holds it head and tail when confronted by stimuli makes a huge difference in their response.
Likewise, ruling out psychiatric disorders, a person can learn to disengage the lizard instinctual fight or flight part of the brain with a metaphoric touch/nip. As suicide is perhaps the ultimate fight or flight reaction it’s something worth looking at.
Suicidal thoughts breed suicidal thoughts, they are self replicating, a virus leaving us fixated, stuck in a reactive mode of being when we really need to be responding. Our world becomes distorted and our ability to see beyond our pain is hampered.
It is not easy but it is possible to stop the stories we tell ourselves and respond to them instead of react. I am not talking about positive thinking or creating new pie in the sky stories, but to simply stop telling ourselves the stories that create the feelings we no longer can endure. To simply stop telling any story and engaging with them.
It is said that nature abhors a vacuum, and other stories will want to fill that space, but I have found a certain pleasure in the rebellion and refusal to engage with any unwanted story by allowing it to fill that space.
Make a goal…..why kill your self….think of that goal……my first goal when I got of the hospital from a suicide attempt my goal was to make my friend who was depressed as me happy …..for he was was my light [not in a love way, he was gay) but I still wanted to make him happy….but after I got out he slowly made it clear he wanted nothing to do with me…I was too depressive…..them I decided to stay In the world so I can grow up to destory it……or at least kill every one to make one race ….( not racist, but the world judge on looks ….so………..ect….I fell in to a dark pit lol……but after reading a few mangas I realized that every one need to have that chance to live and Chang the world in there own way and killing the innocent is wrong…..so now I live to Chang the world or at least my home town……my goal is to make me small place in the world where I can watch anime all day, work at a job that I don’t hate, and build a robot that will be my friend for ever lol
Make a goal it will keep you from killing yourself ……but don’t make anyone eles your goal becuase people change and will move on before you
I find it sad how little we as a race understand about these psychiatric disorders, and about the brain in general. I won’t argue the statistics (I didn’t look them up, but they don’t sound far-fetched), and they show a serious need for more understanding. I can’t accept the idea that they are something that cannot be overcome though, and if you’re in that situation, if you have a diagnosed problem, you need to try. The statistics be damned, all they show is that there is a chance. And Left22 and animerocks500 both have great strategies for this. Left22, I like your idea of “filling the space”, I do that by reading voraciously, and it helps a lot. And having a goal as animerocks500 said is really essential. It could be a ridiculous goal, anything, there’s so much in the world to do and I have yet to meet a single person who’s done all of it. Those are awesome goals, by the way. Let me know if you build that robot, I want one!
Thanks theonewhostayed, when I build some your be the second person to get one..after the company that I migth used to produce them
Thanks. All very kind. I think your right, last time I got ‘better’ by working towards a goal, then achieved it 3 years later. Think thats why I have those feelings again. Need to distract those thoughts and get another. What’s stopping me right now is moral dilemas… I posted this because I’m starting to think everyone is horrible.. maybe thats my brain to eradicate the last string…
Make more strings by distractions/goals
I hate my head vcdfji depressive brain is thinking whats the point.. won’t that just get tiring? And is that all that life is? Make-believe fun/ experiences. I should just quit my moaning and get on with it, like everyone else, or be a statistic, everyone is a statistic.