I was ready to die today. I’ve been afraid of dying by stabbing myself or my organs, due to having severe abodyemigphobia. But my house is fairly tall, I could jump, I could at least break something if I didn’t die. I’ve been wanting to commit suicide for a while now, I’m a worthless human being, who would care? I’ve even posted death threats and not one person cared. So I was slowly opening my window, thinking that I was finally going to be free, that this was the right thing to do. But I heard my mom come in, and remembered how disappointed my mom would be in me if I died. I didn’t want to die a failure, I realized. I’m pretty sure this will happen again sometime eventually, but might as well tell my story now if someone on here might care.
How far is the fall, from your window to the ground do you think?
You CAN die from a fall from any height, but to really be sure it will work, I’ve heard you need to be at least 10 stories up, or about 200 feet, or more.
I don’t know you, but I do care. Everyones life is importante.
I thought about suicide many times in my life too. Today I almost died, not because I wanted, I was almost hit by a spedding car and in those fast seconds I decided to move and save myself.
That made me realise I was not ready to die.
Sometimes life is really hard and you want to give up, but dont do it.
You can still fight and try to be happy. I believe and hope you will =)
nice story 🙂
i like happy endings
I care. I’ve come that close and stopped for the same reasons. I just don’t want to be defeated. So instead, I just wait and hope that somehow, someway I’ll find my end. But as I live, I find some small reason to get through the day. You’re not alone. hang in there and look for those small reasons; THEY are truly what matter