Looks like my previous suicide plan isn’t necessary for now. My plan was to wait for five years, then kill myself if life is fucked still, or if it fucks up. There’s no way of knowing if life will fuck up, but because I’m happier now, I’ll see how I am in five years. Eye surgery successful, even though I only have one real eye, the other one feels the same as the real one, no more pain, have friends in one state in my country if I give up on family here or if they give up on me. Either wway, suicide isn’t necessary. Yet! Hopefully not till I’m old. Seriously, if I get sick when I’m over fifty and I find out it’s terminal, I’m committing suicide. Jumping off a building onto hard ground, head first, or overdosing sleeping pills with alcohol with two maxalon tablets to keep it down till I die. Only when I’m old though, at this stage! I’m sorry for those who’s life is unhappy at the moment but something will give eventually surely! For those whose life is unfortunately not going to improve, I hope it does, I’m sad for you, but if it doesn’t work out, please find peace however yoou wish! It’s all up to you.
That’s great! 😀 it’s really nice to hear how you’re going, I hope you feel this way forever 🙂
Same here! I know life will have ups and downs, and yes I believe in one’s right to die, however I want to live a good life first. Suicide is just the last resort option for me, thankfully I don’t need that option now!