I’m so ugly. So fat. I can’t help but feel naked without my make up on. I feel ashamed to go out in public. Like people will laugh at me and call me names. I feel bad for people who have to look at me all the time, I’m sorry. I’m 5’4 and 173 pounds, I’m huge. I need to stop eating my feelings. Why does everyone have to be so mean though? I’m so nice to everyone else and all I get in return is getting called emo, slut, whore, fatass, ****… like what the fuck man? And then my friends parents accuse me of shit that I don’t do. I swear one day I’m just going to fucking kill myself. You would think I would have someone who try’s to support me, but no, Even my own MOTHER told me to Kill myself. She said it would make her life much easier. She once abused me because of the earrings I was wearing and I called her a ***** and tried to stand up for myself.. but I couldn’t do it.. I’m never able to stand up for myself. I’m so fucking worthless. If I could change one thing in the world.. It would be my birth. I would be sure, somehow, that I was a miscarriage..
i know how it feels to be bullied and abused. got it every day growing up. people can be so fucking mean and hurtful. leave you out with the trash and walk away not thinking twice. its cuz everyones messed up and wounded themselves. i dont know you or who you are but i love you. i care.
Its also because some people haven’t been all wounded and messed up, fucking shallow cunts!
I’m blind. You’re looks do not matter to me. I really do care for others and will be here for you when you want a friend.
Email me.
I know how it feels I’m not just saying this I’m almost like same
Height almost same weight I think everyone
Is bueatiful the way they are please I think
We would be good friends u promise I’m not one of
Those people who pretend to listen and to
Pretend to care please email me gmail :Josielovesbubbles
Yahoo. Oreo306@yahoo.com