Recently I have done a project on suicide. Some of the things that I have discovered are truly sad, and disturbing. It makes me really sad to think that someone would end there life over bullying, a lost loved one, and just because they are plain depressed. Your life is so much more worth to live and you don’t even understand. To the people around you, your life makes them feel like living. Your life is something precious to hold on to. Being bullied because your gay, bi, they say your “uglyâ€, or too “fat†please don’t believe them. Even though it’s extremely hard at times and maybe you don’t feel like talking to anyone, you should. A single pair of ears can help so much. Even after you do that and they still bother tell them to stop if you haven’t before, don’t let someone knock you down so much that you take your own life, because honestly that’s letting them win. Show them that you are stronger than them. Walk up to them with a smile on your face and tell them they can’t hurt you, even though emotionally they do. Now I’m not saying that life can always be great, I get down sometimes to because I used to get bullied when I was younger and it totally messed me up now, but I didn’t take my life away just because of some ignorant low life’s that won’t get anywhere. So please think twice before you pull the trigger, take the mass amount of pills, or put that deadly loop around your neck. Your life is worth so much more.
For many of us here, the reasons for suicide are far more complex than what your project revealed. Sometimes the combination of mental, physical and emotional pain combine to be too much. More than any amount of therapy, pills or whatever can make better.
You cant possibly know the reasons people choose to end there own lives. The fact that you are minimizing it shows you dont understand. Life is precious to those who enjoy it and can fully experience it. Mental illness takes away from the basic joys of life. You think millions of people commit suicide because they dont value life? NO its just they value death even more. Death eliminates all the suffering people go through every day. I’ve thought twice thrice and more about ending my life and each time I come to the same conclusion. I would be better off dead than living a low poor piece of shit quality life that I cant enjoy.
im not trying to say that at all. i do realize that people with illnesses that are beyond repair, have a very hard time. And not at all am i saying that they dont value life. I think its sucks that before they were depressed they were an awesome most people are but theres always that one asshole out there that just throws them off.
i think how hard it must be to have down syndrome, they cant do anything about it. they live there whole life someone having to take care of them. im honestly not trying to put any one down im really still trying to get a better understanding, i would love to get an LCDC license to try to help people.
I didn’t read the whole post but I wasn’t offended’s my opinion..
It is important to realize that we may not fully understand other people’s choices in this matter (like everyone is commenting). Some of me..never got the chance to be a happy child..I started out my life trying to end it..not sure why! But it’s a constant struggle to fight against suicide and self harm, not even knowing why the affliction is there in the first place. We struggle to feel love and empathy. And some of us, like me again, have pain in our bodies that will never go away. It just gets harder and worse. I try so hard to function like a normal person but the struggle never ends. I may not kill myself but even I believe the only way out of this hell is death.
You have to understand that you will never understand what is going through someone’s head and the reasons that lead them to consider willful self-destruction. Suicide is a profoundly personal conclusion but is often the final step in making peace with God, the universe, the whole, whatever. In fact, there may even be people out there like myself that believe it is people like you who are the problem. Get your own house in order and re-evaluate what effect your actions have on others. My guess is you’re a female, so I get the concern but your words and actions mean much more than even you believe.
I mean the message comes from a good place on your part. I understand that but at the same time it comes across as uninformed. Down syndrome wasn’t a really good example so I’m not even going to touch on that. At the end of the day reasons for suicide can be simple for one and beyond intricate for another. My own situation is complex and a message like yours does nothing for me except get me annoyed. The intention is cute but it ain’t helping. Like when a little girl wants to help with the family’s finances and she hands her father a penny. Its endearing but in the grand scheme of things changes nothing. Next time you do a project on suicide come onto a site like this and ask people why and you’ll get very honest answers as to what brought them to that place. all this to say its different for everyone.
Life is all about winning by any means necessary, period. It’s about dominating other creatures, humans included, so that you have control over your own destiny.
If you can’t win, you suffer until death. Or, if you’re female, you can probably catch a free ride with a guy who won enough to have the means to support more than just himself, but can’t find anyone better, so settles for you.
People kill themselves because they lack solutions to the causes of their suffering. And occasionally by accident, but that doesn’t count.
Honestly, if you look at “the long view” of things… it’s better for humanity if the weak perish. If only the strong reproduce, humanity keeps improving through generations. If the weak are allowed to “muddy the waters” of the gene pool, then there is more risk of unfavorable traits being reproduced, which results in people who cannot win, who can only suffer, who will drain resources for no other purpose than to enable and perpetuate their suffering, and not only will they suffer, but those who are sad for them, will, as well.
So maybe everyone who isn’t “freaking amazing,” really should just kill themselves, and let all the wonderful, pretty, amazing people, have their stupid disgusting planet to themselves.
Suicide, itself, isn’t even the real issue. The real issue here is that suicide is often the only valid solution to problems that don’t have to exist at all. Fix that, and far fewer people will choose to end their own lives.