Ever since I was a child I was always so sensitive. when I was four I was run over by a bycycle and spent 4 hours on the operating table with a plastic surgeon them sewing my face up.  When my mother died when I was 8 I did not speak for a year. My father sexually abused me one year after she died after hitting me to make me scared. My father had seven strokes when I was 18. I went to therapy and never really did drugs or do not drink or smoke you could say I have my life together. but I am still the sensitive child the one that feels anothers pain more than others the one that cannot stand to let a homeless animal go without food of course I take it to the vet to get it spayed or neutered. The point I am trying to make Is I am struggling. I see so much suffering in the world especially to the animals that it makes me cry. I have been reading ancient prayers of India this has helped to understand the nature of God. I understand that we all suffer. Our pleasures are temporary. What makes me the most sad is a sister that I lost many years ago. We were so close or so I thought. Well I always loved her. She told me after I got married she was always jealous of me she moved away and changed her number. I mourned the loss of her for years and then when I finally saw her she had changed she was now a version of the controlling man she had been with since she was 17. The hardest part is that she lets him call me crazy she does it herself behind my back. She is on facebook she will not add me. She is also on many psychiatric drugs yet I am on none and she has slandered me to many people with the she is crazy that Is why I do not speak with her. She has taken many years of my life mourning her. I loved her she did not love me she was just jealous and hateful. I was bulllied on facebook for starting a picnic for everyone I did it for two years and then they kicked me off of the site after I did so much for everyone. My inlaws hate me the gave my husband cabin away to their gold digging nephew and his wife. We sit her and say life is not fair. That is my story. One more thing I am worried about some homeless animals that are going thru a rough time the backyard they lived in for 10 years well fed the man decided he did not want them anymore so now they are without food. I put food down for them on the street on the safe side. No neighbor would let me feed them in their backyard. They were Buddhist supposed to be compassionate there are only 5 cats. This is my story please pray for me for my husband and I. Pray for my sister to open her heart.
The animals.
I hate what the animals have to go through at the expense of us. It’s no small part of my pain either. When I see them suffering at the hands of the idiots that “own” them, I pretty much hate humanity more than one should.
I’m sorry for your situation and your past is so excruciating, it’s amazing you’ve made it out so well. I don’t believe in any god but I hope you find the strength you need to improve your life or find some peace.
You went through a lot… Well, why doesn’t it surprise me that sensitive people always have it real hard!
Just like the person above, I don’t believe in god, but in a way, I do “pray”… so I will do that for you.
Stay strong…