im a fighter. but sometimes the fight is impossible to win. there would be alot less pain if i just gave up but i find myself fighting until the end. i will fight for love, fight for my life, fight to win, fight to save a life, fight to start a new. but i get tired of fighting sometimes. i feel like i just want to give up and hide under my covers. i want to go into the cabinet and take all the pills and slip away. i want to snort a fat long line of heroine and cut my arms and legs, i want to slit my throat. i want to break down and sob until i drown in a sea of my own tears. i want to forget about everyone who has ever hurt me in this life. maybe i should be fighting to end my life instead of fighting to stay alive and keep my head above water..
But you have a guardian angel watching over you.
…and I’m not just talking about myself, not being cliche this time.
You’re a fighter till the end! And you have an army behind you whenever you desire to invoke them from deep within your self.. Inside, it’s you, a thousand times stronger.. Never leave a man behind, even in your own heart.
Ok..that was a bit cliche!
But I hope it was deep enough to lift you to the surface of your drowning.
Ok..more cheese for you there! lol
So from weed to coke? o-O what’d I miss kid?
And you remind me of a song. You’re a fighting dreamer.
I know my grandma and great grandma are up there keeping an eye on me… but thanks realTalk for the inspirational talk <3 much appreciated
AtTheEnd: Ive never done coke? and whos that song by?
The come thing a was joke cuz you wrote about doing a line?
A japanese band you’ve never heard of~
doing a line of heroine hahah very different :p… and oh ok 🙂
Sorry I’m not educated well on drugs. 🙁
And yes if i told you and you listened to it you’d be like anyone else who doesnt listen to japanese music XD Music in other languages is awesome though.
Its alright to fall and breakdown sometimes! But you have to get up and keep fighting more okay? No one can get through life without a little breakdown, but you can’t give up. Not yet. Keep fighting and i promise itll get easier n.n stay strong love
Good words Dez!!