I’m fucking 19 years old and every god forsaken thing is happening to me, i cant seem to find a way out of this fucking life i just need a way to get away from it all, i wanna just like fucking die just leave every body, everything, every fucking bitter memory cause fact of the matter is i am a bitter memory. iI’ nothing more then that white stuff on the side of your mouth when you’re thirsty just give me a fucking good way to kill myself and leave behind this bitter world so so people wont have to see me again, wont have to remember my fucking existence!!
*Reaches out hand to hold and walk*
im just so insecure i dont believe in trust because every single time i trusted someone they stabbed me in the back, watched me bleed and just walk away just wanna die and rot alone i dont care if i go to this place people call “hell” i just wanna leave
You can trust most people on here. We want to help each other. We have similar feelings, thoughts, and problems. If all you needed was a friend you could trust, in order to want to keep living your life; I would drop everything to meet you for a day and show you it’s worth it to keep trying.
Trust is hard if your experience is all with people who are pretty much untrustworthy – they aren’t the only sort of people on planet earth, thankfully. Anything happen recently to make you feel this way?
Its hard to know who to trust these days….Given the right motivation and opportunity I think 95% of all humans would betray someones trust. The thing about trust is use it sparingly….Can’t trust every smile you see…or every hand you shake…and everybody who call themselves your “friend” could be wolves in sheep clothing….I’ve met my share of undercover wolves and these are people I thought I could trust with my life… I feel like people always have an agenda…
Trust should be earned not given, who was it on here that said an enemy is a fried that hasnt fucked you over yet? everyone will usually screw you over if theres something to gain from doing so, the only way out of it really is to not make it worth their while screwing you over. like here for instance, its pretty much annonymous so no one here gains from screwing you over, meaning your safe here. in life… i guess you either have to become too good a friend to loose or trust no one with anything worth screwing you over for…
Tell us your storie, it will help you, i promise
I try to make a point not to screw over my friends because I don’t like the thought of them screwing me over – it’s a reciprocal philosophy that’s helped me weed most idiots out of my life. I only have a handful of friends and I’m happy to keep it that way.
I’ve grown up knowing nothing more then being worthless from parents to “friends” to school teachers all I’ve known is rejection and hatred from people I’ve tried to help I’ve become hard and cold inside that I could pull a trigger on my head and not give two fucks about what I leave behind