My high school orientation was yesterday. I’ve never been so afraid!! In elementary school there were only 60 students in my grade but, then I go to orientation with over 400 students my age. Holy shit. I’ve never felt so intimidated. Looking at all the pretty girls made me feel even more ugly and looking at all the attractive guys made me feel even more pathetic. Why am I so afraid of what people will think of me? School hasn’t even started yet and I’m already crying and freaking out. I just want to kill myself so that when I do eventually commit suicide, I won’t have to feel sorry for the people I meet in high school. I’ll see what happens on tuesday. Go tigers…
think of the living hell I was forced to endure going to school….I attended a year and a half of high school….I am profoundly disfigured…..I was tortured every day by everybody. really the only nice kids were the other special needs kids and they were tortured too. think of what we endured (those of us with “special needs”). we never walked down the hallway in safety. we never got asked on dates. we were lucky if anyone would let us sit at their lunch table and when they did- they acted like it was such a generous gesture on their part, you could see they didn’t want us around. I would have loved, loved, loved to experience a day of going to school as a normal kid. I never will have that wish fulfilled. to this day at thirty years old I dream about it in my dreams what it would be like to sit there in a class and not be disfigured and not be tormented and not be called “hideous” and not be stared at and mocked but just to sit there and enjoy learning a lesson. if you are a “normal” kid….my god….you are one of the fortunate. I know its hard seeing all the beautiful people but think how somebody like me envies somebody like you
I know how it feels to be afraid of what people think….but you’re in high school believe it or not everybody is worried how they look to others….its normal and you’ll be fine….there is no reason to consider ending your life over something that all your classmates are going through as well….it’s hard dealing with insecurities in HS but the best advice I can give is to not focus on that and just do your best to get through the next 4 years….It won’t be easy and many times you will feel horrible but don’t think your experience is unique…..many of your classmates will go through the same thing….good luck