well my brother has officially snapped. whenever he dosent get his way he acts like a huge baby and throws a tantrum and of course its all my fault. he said he wished i died and i actually killed myself. awesome. its always my fault. now of course he blames me and he has a whole big pity party. i really dont want to be here. he even blamed me for him hitting me earlier. im weirdly calm even though he is yelling at my mom about me. he is like a 2 year old but it does scare me because he’s bigger and stronger than me. idk why he hates me so much. i dont know why he doesnt want me to have future and why he wants me dead. he said that im my moms favorite which isnt all true. yea my mom and i have a special bond but thats because he is such an ass all the time. i really dont like him freaking out.now my moms yelling at me. i said nothing. i did nothing. he is a psycho. i just dont want to be home right now.
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