I was just thinking.. And I feel this way often. Suicide can be a very irrational way of escaping your problems. For this reason particular (but not souly for this reason alone)
Point being.. You are going to die anyways!
I’m not trying to be illogical, ignoring how people feel and the terminally ill.
But it’s true..you are guaranteed to die, wether it’s in the next few days or weeks or in 90+ years from now..it’s going to happen.
There are manny reasons people would not want to live, mostly these reasons revolve around Situation, Declination, and Mindset.
But in any situation, in any level of desperation..Mindset is key in staying alive.
Mindset is where your rationality can make or brake you.
If you are just feeling lost and confused.. You need to gain a bit of confidence and take control of your life, not try to end it before it starts. My life didn’t really “begin” till I was about 19. There’s a lot of life to be lived even after that. There is tons of self searching to be done as well. You might feel like killing yourself now but that will all change soon enough.
If you are feeling desperate and you don’t think you can face your situation, if you really want out.. Then do what you have to do to get out..but do it from the confines of this life.. You can still run away! In my mind..that’s still a choice when you consider killing yourself. There is a whole world out there to see, and maybe a better life awaits. Hopefully chance finds you saving up and forming a plan to escape your current situation. Take the time to do it carefully..after all..my point is to keep a rational mindset.
There is no point in going over the many definitions and variations of the word “rational” because many people will have a different perspective on what constitutes rational thought and separates it from irrational thought.
Regardless of my own sub-perspectives of life, I’d have to say that no matter what, a person ending their own life prematurely is very irrational..especially when that person is perfectly aware of all the opportunities that life can offer in the long run.
My hat goes off to those who live every day in pain and misery. You might think that living any longer is the actual irrationality, but no matter what, every day you live shows that you are stronger and meant for more than those who kill themselves for less.
Thank you for reading
Keep up the Fight!
It’s not easy for everyone to talk control of their lives. Many are oppressed by their circumstance which is most usually out of their control. If you can’t control something so crucial it makes you feel like you’re not in control of anything. If the immediate future doesn’t look appealing then it’s hard to see beyond that. Problems that are essentially ruining our life in the moment are not easy to over look and see things on an objective level. Distorted thinking is quite common and also very debilitating. When you overwhelm yourself by over thinking things you’re bound to lose a sense of control in that sense as well. I mean, I still suffer greatly from distorted thinking which are driven by intense negative emotions like shame, regret, failure etc. but I’ve start looking into CBT, cognitive behavior therapy. It’s very grounding and can orient me when I’m suspecting the worst of scenarios. People should really evaluate their situation and take a deeper look at what is happening around them and how this is affecting them. If people could take a step back and not assume so much about themselves, the future and the people and environment around them then I think many would be much better off. Thanks for the positive message RT, I’m rooting for you and everyone as well 🙂
CBT…sounds interesting! 🙂
“You’re going to die anyways” I could use that same argument….Why delay the inevitable….Like when you were a kid and mom was about to give you an ass whooping if she said “you’re going to get it now”….most kids would be scared and just get the ass whooping….If she said “Friday I’m going to whoop your ass” (and the day was Monday)….I bet the same child would grow more fearful over the next 5 days from sheer anticipation alone….and probably have a panic attack on Thursday night….I know you can’t compare an ass whooping and the end of life but the emotions experienced are probably the same….Or I could even say if a person was held hostage and was told “I’m going to kill you now” they would be scared and then die from the gunshot….but what if the hostage taker said “I’m going to kill you in 2 weeks…until then you sleep in the basement” …The amount of fear and sheer terror awaiting their death far exceeds any they experienced had they been killed instantly rather than awaiting their demise.
Suicide can’t ALWAYS be considered irrational it just can’t. Mental health services ….. generally a euphemism for coercive suicide prevention tactics and other ineffective, humiliating practices…. are the wrong solution to the “problem” of rational suicide. The idea that “mental health services” are the right thing to do to reduce suicides is ubiquitous, but it’s important to point out failures of rationality like this….since I believe suicide is a uniquely rational activity — in other words, most lower intelligence animals don’t do that, despite feeling both emotions and physical sensations, but humans can and do often think about suicide … and sometimes carry it out, in every single era and culture on Earth known….. It is intelligence (including our ability to make projections into the future, which balance probabilities of outcomes, based on trends) that makes suicide even possible. Suicide is a very rational human behavior for this reason.
You do have to define rational and irrational so that opinions may be appropriately and correctly formed…If you have the wrong idea about what those words mean then you opinion and views can be flawed. Rationality is based on or in accordance with reason or logic…Irrationality is cognition, thinking, talking or acting without inclusion of rationality. It is more specifically described as an action or opinion given through inadequate use of reason, emotional distress, or cognitive deficiency. So really when people speak against suicide they could be considered irrational because they are basing their response off of emotion rather than defeating the argument for suicide with a logical and rational argument because they can’t.
Ask anybody you know WHY they feel it is wrong I guarantee you will get a response based in emotion… “because it makes people sad” “because they feel its selfish” “because suicide is for cowards and the weak” …all of these (and more) responses are typically based in emotion….Is something wrong because it makes people sad? Then rainy days can be considered “wrong” ….When your football team loses it can be considered “wrong”….When you break up with someone it can be considered “wrong”…If based off emotion then yes these things can be considered wrong but if logic is involved then you will see that they aren’t….. How can something you do to yourself be considered selfish? By that logic….If I sell my car that I used to take you to work I’m selfish because I didn’t think about how the loss of MY car would affect YOUR employment….is that reasonable? Even if you gave me money for rides and repairs you still have no rightful ownership over the car…..Suicide is for cowards and the weak…..okay….. so…..A person is a coward because they are afraid of something? correct? so….wouldn’t someone afraid of something avoid it? If I see a big ass tarantula you bet your ass I’m hauling ass. But If I see a little lady bug I’d go kill it why? because I don’t fear it…..So a person who doesn’t fear death and kills themselves is a coward HOW? You don’t have to be “afraid” of anything to commit suicide…. Just because people chose death doesn’t automatically mean they feared life…. If they are considered weak then by that logic anybody who dies for any reason should be considered weak…”he wasn’t strong enough to live” um….nobody is strong enough to live forever…..Is he weak because he gave up? then a cancer patient is also weak because their body gave up….Actually in a way cancer can be considered suicide because it causes the body to attack itself…If you’re not using logic then you would agree but rational thought can easily dismiss the claim that “suicide is weak”
Not all people are running from “situations” some people are running from life….some people absolutely dread the everyday motion of waking up. A escaped prisoner is running from a bad situation but what about a normal joe who just doesn’t want to be alive. Their is a misconception that there has to be a “reason” for suicide….when in reality that’s not true. It doesn’t matter what a person has as far as financial and material assets if they don’t want to live because they don’t want to live who are we to say “you don’t have a reason to not want to live”. This type of suicide can be considered irrational and illogical but you were born for no reason besides biological but that doesn’t mean you have to have a reason to want to die. Even If you do have a reason to die….guess what? it still happens either way it goes….Death can’t be avoided so why do you need a reason to justify wanting it…That’s like trying to justify why you want sleep….does it matter whether you justify it or not? nope because it still happens no matter what.
@pain- yeah those examples can’t count in my op. suicide is much different than being held hostage for instance. I’m sure it’s possible for a hostage to choose to take their own life but you have to admit its more less likely.
No I don’t feel that suicide is ALWAYS irrational..I tried I word it that way to show that some situations of suicide can be very rationalized. I even believe there is nothing evil about suicide clinics. As long as they aren’t letting “everyone” line up.
I don’t believe I’ve used the word “coward” so I’ll let some one else answer those questions! lol it all comes down to perspective and reality, and which one a person will choose in relation to the majority of others opinions and perspectives.
I’ve been there.. I’ve put all my real problems aside and realized I’ve only wanted out of life for the sake of being out. It’s not lazy, it’s not cowardly..it’s rational.
I guess my point of this post is.. When you’re a person with my mindset, or a person who can make life more “interesting” (yes that includes you PainNlife) and who still has a chance in life.. Why not just stick around and make it interesting for the hell of it? If its really that easy to do. I mean.. What are you running from really? Life? The idea of life?
Come on brother!
Life itself is not the problem for me…it is my own person demons along with the oncoming of Americas inevitable implosion. I think when I started smoking weed I should have stayed away from the computer because I started researching The federal reserve and that open up a big ass can of worms and it just too many things that are foreseeable that I don’t want to see come to fruition. I’m not a “fortune teller” or a nut job but anybody with the right information can connect the dots and see what is being done to us and where we are headed. I guarantee you in the next few decades America will have become bankrupt and economical disaster will cause this land to go up in flames. I hate being aware of shit that nobody around me seems to give a fuck about. My former friends even thought I was being “paranoid” and probably thought I wore tin foil hats to sleep. I’m not saying this is the sole reason for me wanting death but it is a helluva contributing factor. You could say I’m “afraid” of the potential future but I’d rather die during a time of peace than in a time of utter chaos. No I don’t believe all conspiracy theories but I do research the ones I think have some credibility and many of them actually hold their weight when you take a closer look.
I just can’t deal with it…. I hate so much shit about modern life that I’d rather not live it. I would rather give up the good and bad because the bad far exceeds the good at least in my life it does. From my perspective I see things from the gray area…not too far right and not too far left. Right in the middle. I can agree there are some good things about life….But do those good things benefit me more than the negative things hinder me? nope…. After all I’m one little tiny weenie little spec in the grand scheme of things…My death does not affect and has no effect on this earth. My death is as insignificant as that of an ant in the whole view of things. My family may mourn my death but like with any other death they will overcome it. How can I be so certain? well when you flip on the news and you see how little kids are brutally raped and tortured before death…If those parents can pick up the pieces and move on then I’m sure mines can as well…. Life can be interesting for those that are interested….harry potter books are amazingly interesting…..but there are those who simply have no interest in reading them…I could say the same thing about the future…..The future may be interesting…technological advancements …changing landscapes….new inventions….but I just don’t care about those things…I’m not interested in what 2014 and up has to bring
@pain- honestly I believe a lot of the same theories you believe in. The only difference is that I want to be alive and see it all come down myself. I want to see the exchange of control happen for myself. There is no peace time if you can see the war coming. And if the war never comes.. Will you be dead when that time never comes? Not able to enjoy the potential peace?
If you give up you’ve let the negative things hinder you..obviously. No one wants to see that..neither should you. You should want to exist for the adventure life can offer..even in the darkest times. Life isn’t suppose to be easy..we just assume it’s suppose to get easier with advanced technology, economical solutions, social media..etc.. But it doesn’t get easier because the expectations grow more unrealistic and people aren’t becoming more self sufficient in the advancement in society’s progression.
I really hope you can find new interest eventually. Motivation to keep living..however small it may be. Maybe you need to come so close to death to realize where your journey really starts. Cuz it’s not about life being “good” or “bad” or “interesting” to suit ones personal needs.. It’s about the personal journey along the way to make something out of nothing..in a sense. To feel a sense of accomplishment in living, however small that is. There is no accomplishment in this life once you choose to leave it..the only accomplishment is making this world that much more hopeless. Set the right example for us all. Be a soldier for the cause of helping to reverse the hopelessness.
I wish it could be a trend to not be suicidal.. Instead we could have a trend where people uplift others who are feeling down and out.
I can dream!
To tell you the truth.. I feel like I’ve always thought this way even when I was in school. I just wanted the world to wake up and be there for each other.