the other post is getting heavier to load so i have forced to creat this one:)
Here are some proofs for god’s none existence.they are logical but they work 90% depending no your open mindness
the other post is getting heavier to load so i have forced to creat this one:)
Here are some proofs for god’s none existence.they are logical but they work 90% depending no your open mindness
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the first and easy way to disproof god theory is religion it self.thiere is no religion that doesn’t have some kind problem’s.and conflicts.
The other most logical way to disproof god is if you believe in some super power just tell me about this way i can simply shows you what delusion means.
The first flaw in your reasoning is that you are intertwining god and religion. Separate them… religion is different from the idea that a higher being exists….a delusion is the belief in things that have strong evidence to the contrary…there is no evidence against the existence of a higher being even if you buy the whole BBT crap that still isn’t evidence against a higher being….nobody can ever 100% prove god exist or doesn’t exist…
so let’s see it clearly here don’t believe in religion believe that thiere is something big.that can think big,and that purposely creat’s space and the physical things?
One of my main issues with ‘religion,’ is that NONE of the established religions have even begun to approach an appropriate attempted definition of what any “one true God” should actually be.
In order to claim that a god made everything the way he wants it to be, then we must first understand what everything is, that exists. We can’t even identify everything that exists. So how can we “believe” that something created everything, exactly the way “he” wants it to be?
We can only really grasp “the universe” as a concept. It’s so astronomically vast, practically incomprehensible… but what is beyond what we call “the universe?” Where is the universe located? What is outside the vacuous emptiness we call “space?” And then, what’s outside that? Or does it somehow turn inward upon itself and manifest again in a center? Does it loop? Does time end? Did time begin? How can infinity have a beginning, if it has no end?
The only possible explanation is “other dimensions.” But even then, When/How/Where did other dimensions begin? How can ANYTHING exist, at all, including anything we might call “God?” It can’t just “always has existed forever and ever.” It has to start somewhere. Even “God” requires a beginning.
We can at least observe parts of nature and deduce a somewhat reasonable theory about how and when our universe began… but how can anyone believe that a God can exist, if they can’t even accept that we can barely understand how the universe began, and cannot observe or test any idea or notion about any alleged “God?”
Just because some ancient dudes wrote a book a long ass time ago? lol.
One of the major problems with religious people is that they don’t seem to understand what “evidence” means.
The most outrageous concession i am able to reasonably justify, is that something larger and older than our universe probably exists… but anyone claiming to KNOW what exactly that is, how it works, what it does, whether it’s alive or cares or even knows any of us exist, is entirely another matter. Anyone making claims in that realm, is doing exactly that: making claims.
@joinel…. correct….my though process is ….something had to be created in order for the physical realm to exist…where did it come from? why? when? …. I don’t know….but I can’t believe someone who reasonably believes they are able to accurately tell us what happened billions of years ago with “evidence” and theories today….that’s just not logical to me…especially when you have other scientist that openly provide reasons and theories against the BBT… I just think that its more likely that we were created by something rather than to say nothing creating everything….
Joinel, I’m not religious or would define myself as anything though I tend to think that, yes, there’s something superior than us out there. I think that not taking part or believing in religion itself doesn’t exclude the belief of something higher than what we know as this horrible world.
I experienced some spiritual stuff this year that slowly changed my personal perspective on some things. And that’s all I have to say right now. I’m going to take a nap, these dark rings under my eyes are telling me to nap.
PS: I’ll google about the 81 languages on Ehtiopia later. I’m a curious person.
There is something, greater than all of us. It knows about all of us. I don’t know if it created, I don’t know if it watches, I don’t know what it knows or does. But it is there. Somewhere we cannot see, where many of us cannot even think. I know some people can’t believe it if they can’t see it or experience it. You have experienced it all along, and you haven’t admitted it yet. When you admit it to yourself. your life will feel different, better, more meaningful. Anyone who wants to dispute this, just look in the mirror, if you really are unhappy, and you have been for so long; and doing what you have been hasn’t worked, why don’t you try something new. Something your ultra smart, all knowing self, hasn’t tried. What bad could possible come from it? Believe in something you can’t see or touch or taste. There are two wonderfully strong powers any person can manifest, being able to do something you know you can do, and not doing it (while remaining humble about that fact) and being sure you cannot doing something, and then doing just that.
I think it’s pretty easy for something superior to humans to exist elsewhere in the universe, and it doesn’t have to be “god” to be “above” us.
However, the idea that some entity created everything intentionally, to be exactly what it is, just seems obviously false, to me. And you can use “the problem of evil” to show the contradiction between how an all-good, all-loving, all-powerful entity, would not allow evil to exist. It would have to be not all-good, or not all-loving, or not all-powerful, in order for evil to exist.
If evil is intended, then god cannot be both all-good, and all-loving.
If evil is unintended, then god cannot be all-powerful.
Evil exists. Therefore, “God” is not what any established religion insists is an accurate definition, and, they have zero evidence to support their claims of A) existence, B) accuracy of each of their different and conflicting definitions.
If you cannot define God, then how can YOUR God even exist? You can’t just keep changing the definition to suit each argument. Either what you believe is accurately defined and does exist, or it doesn’t exist at all, and the definitions are irrelevant.
If there is a god, it is probably not perfect. It is probably not all-powerful. It is probably not all-good (otherwise evil would be impossible, because “god created everything,” and therefore also created evil).
If we assume such a being exists, then your next task is to prove that he is aware of our existence. Show me how this so-called god, allegedly knows that we exist.
I don’t even need proof. I need SOMEONE, ANYONE, to /reasonably justify/ the claim that a god exists. No one can do this, and i cannot observe anything to indicate that any god exists. Therefore, we should proceed as if we are alone, and learn to help ourselves and each other, because if we don’t, WHO WILL? No one, that’s who.
If 200 years ago, you told a normal person that there are tiny creatures, microscopic, called paramecium or ameoba’s and that these creatures, when cut in half, can reproduce themselves into another whole being, they would probably have scoffed at you. If you spoke of God and religion, they would have embraced it. Nowadays, middle schoolers learn about microscopic organisms, atoms, neurons, the tiniest pieces of life, and it is accepted. Whereas god and religion and anything like that seem to be tossed out the window. Strange.
@clevername …. My thing is despite all the fallacies behind religion and whatever it all boils down to….if not “god” then what?…. Is the universe self creating? We come from nothing? ….I’m not advocating “god” from a christian perspective I no longer value the bible as relevant but my thing is….where does everything that exists in the universe come from? ….nobody can prove the existence for god or anything pertaining to him….but then we have to focus on where we come from is “God” is out the equation…. Hell we don’t know if god is “all-good, all-loving, all-powerful entity” he could be a variation of them…. who knows? but it boils down to one question….either we come from nothing or something….and I just can’t fathom the idea of coming from absolutely nothing….
CLEVER: the day you give up on your hangups on religion and god, and let yourself truly believe that maybe He or something like Him exists, is a day you will begin to become happy again. Don’t be so analytical, give in to believing there is something much bigger, better and more important than us, that we will regroup with someday, somehow.
Or you can look at it the other way, and say that in order for anything to begin, the original beginning /must/ come from literally nothing. Prior to the beginning (whatever it may have been) nothing can exist.
But i think that original beginning is too far removed from what humans are able to perceive or comprehend. The singularity that supposedly spontaneously existed out of nothing and nowhere, was an effect of a cause we cannot understand, which then caused other things that left traces which we can barely perceive, but can’t really comprehend. The current “end” result, is now, in this moment, and everything we’ve been able to discern so far, including observations which help guide us to the questions we should be asking.
Perhaps “time” is actually occurring much faster than we perceive it.
I find it most likely that our universe’s original singularity did not simply spontaneously manifest out of nothing, but was rather injected into this realm, from some other realm… but the fact of the matter is that the further away we reach from the now, into the vast and increasingly incomprehensible past and future eons, the more and more speculation is required for any semblance of understanding… and that speculation is used just as much for obfuscation as it is for revelation. As long as there are people who don’t want to consider that there is simply no god, i don’t think it will be possible for the rest of us to reach anything close to actual answers.
People want there to be a god, an afterlife, a next life… because life as a human on prison planet earth, pretty much sucks ass. People want to feel like those who’ve wronged them, will somehow be punished for it in the hereafter, or that they will get a better life next time, for being “good,” this time. Why? Because humans before us, and even currently among us, actively obfuscate the truth, and obstruct progress, in order to exploit any advantage they can find, so that they, themselves, can prosper, even as it escalates the expense of causing suffering to others.
Meanwhile… if you believe that this life is just one of many, and/or that those “bad people” will somehow be punished by a higher power… well, then i suppose that makes it easier to just take your licks and let your life be wasted by the whims of others more powerful than you.
I on the other hand, do not find that acceptable at all. People who intentionally wrong others, should be punished now, in this life, while we can be sure they will suffer for their wronging of others. I can’t stand the idea of all those people who already have, and more who will get away with all the ruining of countless lives… which was certainly aided and abetted by people believing some higher power would punish the evil and reward the good, either in an afterlife, or in another life.
Spiritual procrastination. Waiting for something to happen, or be done for you, rather than doing what must be done, while you’re able to affect change, while you still have a life, the only life you can be sure you’ll ever have, in which to act toward what you think is right.
Some of you say you believe in some being,some of you say you don’t believe in some super power,
Some of you say he is existed but in what different way.and you give a good reasoning to that is exactly what i want,that is exactly
What i am talking about “delusion”.you all give your reasonings not based on evidence but based on delusion “yes”.that is what is called delusion.if you ask someone about god he will give you about lot’s of answers,ask him about heaven he will also give you lot’s of answers,ask him about what it look like he will give you lot’s of answers.just like the questions you ask and the answers you recieve.yeah most of you believe in some being but the attitude you have about him is totally different.are you getting me that is because that being is created inside you.from your delusion.yes from your don’t have answers about your existence so you creat some non existed being so that you can answer the question,the question of existence but all of you again creat him totally from your delusion.the super thing doesn’t exist you just creat the above comments you post and see how you creat some being from your delusion just read it.that is what i am talking about that is the big word.that is “delusion”did you got me,did you find the key did you know now how the god concept,the heaven,the hell,the adam hewan theory created.yeah it was created just like you creat some thing above.totally from delusion.
Why do you think i should not perceive reality as accurately as possible? That’s a weird thing to think. It has nothing to do with “refusing to allow myself to believe.” I don’t have to ‘do’ anything to prevent it. I simply allow my senses and the available information to mean what it means. There is no valid claim that i am just arbitrarily rejecting, in order to avoid believing.
What is actually happening, is that people who do believe any of the bible’s gods actually exist, are actively disallowing themselves from accurately perceiving reality. They are striving to disallow themselves from disbelief, because they are convinced they will gain something by believing hard enough. The only thing faith gains is acceptance into similarly faithful groups… which all happen to erroneously believe the same or similar things, for the same or similar reasons: expectation of gain, and fear of consequence.
In my mind, most consequences are non-trivial and permanent, while most gains are trivial and temporary.
Everyone gets away with everything, and no one wins, in the end. The only “win,” is whether you were able to live your life to the fullest, or not. I already know that “win” is unattainable, and there is zero indication that any greater being gives half a shit about how i feel about that.
If our realm came from another realm….then again we are back to the primary problem of where did that realm come from? was it created or did it come from nothing? …. I’m not a person who thinks about god in the sense of some egotistical man with insecurity problems…. I’m just saying some being with a higher level of intellect was responsible for everything….that’s not to say we shouldn’t study things or learn about them but when it comes to issues we can’t possibly know I think its better to say someone or something created them rather then attempt to use flawed theories and pure nonsense to explain our origins…..the blunt and bold truth is “we do not know”…. nobody can or will ever know unless a time machine is invented….otherwise its all pure speculation and much of it makes absolutely no sense like the load of nonsense that is abiogenesis and spontaneous creation….I think when we put the bible under the scope and read everything closely and demand proof we must do the same for all theories pertaining to creation…. I don’t accept “we don’t know” or speculation on events prior to the BBT because speculation is subjective…. anybody can speculate anything for any reason….. I don’t claim to know anything about the origin of life….my thing is being on the logical side of the answer to the question…. “did we come from nothing? or did we come from something? and by something I mean a higher presence….. If the BBT were truth and fact then it should be iron clad solid with no room for anybody to come up with anything to the contrary but you have scientist that do so for both the BBT and evolution….
Long ago I swore to always stand by and protect the sacred name of our lord god, so that all who needed guidance and wisdom could find peace forever and ever…
…and all I got was this lousy T-shirt! 😠Amen!!
All that exists must begin.
Prior to that first beginning, nothing could exist.
Therefore: it is necessary that something came from nothing.
It’s such a profound and seemingly incomprehensible concept… but it’s the only way it can be. It’s no more unbelievable or unacceptable than to say “has always existed, forever and ever.” Because then you’re asserting that there was never a beginning… which just sounds outrageous to me.
Whatever ‘it’ is, it had to have a beginning, somehow.
Before the beginning of existence, nothing existed, because there was no existence.
It is my personal opinion that infinity that has always existed without a beginning, is a bit less feasible than some mysteriously spontaneous manifestation of something from nothing. The concept of an infinite realm which has always existed with no beginning, i think is a but more unbelievable than a mysteriously spontaneous eruption of something /seemingly/ out of nothing.
But maybe there really was a beginning, and really will be an end, and this is just this, and that’s just that. Infinity can’t really exist, and nothing can exist without a beginning. As far as we know, aside from the abstract concept of infinity, everything that exists, has both a beginning and an end. Maybe there’s a being that acts as the container for our universe, who lives through hundreds of billions of iterations of universes. But i don’t think it’s aware of us… and if it is, it’s likely on the same level that we are aware of the existence of bacteria in our intestines, but we did not “intend” for them to be there, nor do we communicate with or control them in any precise way. Maybe our intestinal bacteria pray to us for us to eat the kind of food that makes their “universe” better than when we don’t eat whatever kind of food that is… but we would never know, unless they rise up and cause a problem we can perceive, when we eat something they don’t like… or perhaps they could secrete some sort of euphoria-inducing enzyme when we eat or do whatever they do like.
“Before the beginning of existence, nothing existed, because there was no existence”
Have you not considered that perhaps, before the beginning of existence there had to have existed the possibility for the manifestation of existence? If ideas do not count as byproducts of creation then what existed say, before the creation of a spoon or fork?
Certainly before existence could take place there must be a thought or idea involved?
And I’m not even gona get into the physics of universal intelligence.
The mathematics are so precise that if we were any closer to the sun we would be toast, if we were any further we would freeze. I can go on & on. Not to mention that all communication is subservient to radio waves. I’m not trying to start a debate on the existence of a God, but there is an intelligence beyond a single doubt in my mind.
From the subatomic, to the molecular, to the cellular, there is an amazing intelligence @ work.
But that is speculation….saying that something must come from nothing is pure speculation…there is no evidence of that being true….I agree that everything must have a beginning but as far as what is responsible for that beginning we cannot possibly know….I just can’t understand how everything in existence just came from nothing…. all knowledge all life all planets all stars all oceans everything….just came forth from nothing? …. hell for all we know we could be an over sized super complex ant farm and we are just an experiment in some higher intellects testing phase….I would rather accept any other idea other than everything came forth through nothing….hell I’d believe Santa created everything before believing we came from nothing…..I’m no longer religious or anything of that nature but then when I address the question of where do we come from I just can’t reasonably believe we came from nothing…. I have never seen anything to indicate that that’s even possible….nothing giving birth to something…
But Your speculation is assuming that infinity exists, and that some being exists that had no beginning. That, IMO, is a pretty wild speculation.
Read my words very carefully:
Before ANYTHING existed… there was nothing. It means what it means, because that is the only possible definition of the words, and those definitions are the reasons i’m using those words.
It is absolutely necessary, that prior to existence, nothing existed. That is literally the meaning of those words. I don’t have to test or prove that. The words speak for themselves. Kinda like if i say “all husbands are married.” I know this without testing it, because it is the definition of the word.
Now… /perhaps/… there is no such time as “prior to existence.” Perhaps, for some unexplainable phenomenal reasons, existence has literally always, forever and ever, existed. But that doesn’t make sense to me, because things need beginnings, and infinity seems quite impossible to me, because physical existence must have limits, due to there being no discernibly infinite source of materials.
“WE” didn’t “come from nothing.” The universe “apparently, supposedly” developed from an exploding singularity, which, allegedly, supposedly, did spontaneously manifest “from nothing.” But it’s also possible that our universe is not the only location in existence, and that our singularity could have come from elsewhere, or elsewhen, or some other dimension. The origin of that singularity is the problem… but while it didn’t necessarily occur out of sheer nothingness with zero explanation… having “a beginning” makes more sense than not having a beginning. So it’s only slightly better in that way. But then, that singularity could have come from somewhere else… and how do we even ask those questions? There could be billions of universes.
“We” came from our parents, who came from their parents, and so on. WAAAYYY back, a long ass time ago, we still didn’t just come from nothing. Life began from various materials luckily existing in close proximity and with favorable conditions. Through physics, those materials crossed paths, combined, and resulted in something that replicated itself, and was slightly different every so many iterations, until one of the iterations developed favorably enough that it ended up being dominant. This cycle continues still, today.
No. You’re wrong dude. What you’re seeing is not “an intelligence in design.” You’re simply correlating it to that, because it’s so well developed. You don’t seem to understand that the earth has existed for several BILLIONS of years, and that we current creatures have evolved to suit our environment, not the other way around. We have evolved to survive earth. Earth was not created to perfectly suit us like some razor-wire balancing act.
The things that survive the best, have the most chances to reproduce. The best survivors who reproduce the most, have their favorable traits carried on, and those traits become and remain most likely to remain beneficial, until something better develops from another lucky beneficial mutation, or even perhaps if we learn to genetically engineer ourselves to produce traits that don’t occur without intervention.
And no. There is no “certainly an idea or thought” to necessarily precede the occurrence of existence. Prior to existence, there was nothing to do any thinking or have any ideas. There was no model. There was no modeler. There is no “design.”
By claiming what you claim, saying “it IS this, there IS that, it IS intelligent design,” you are actually doing /exactly/ what you then claim to not be doing. You are literally starting a futile debate, by making claims that are literally impossible for you to substantiate.
Why do theists never understand that fallacy?
0. there was nothing
1. someone claimed god exists and created everything
2. someone else says “i don’t see why you think that, perhaps you should prove it?”
3. claimant refuses burden of proof, demands counter proof to illegitimate and unsubstantiated claim.
4. debate ends unsuccessfully, with unverified and invalid claims being propagated and widely endorsed by idiots, while the rest of us look on in disbelief, thinking “wtf is wrong with these people!?”
The rest is, as they say, history.
First of all I’m not seeking proof for an invisible intelligence.
I grew up in a haunted home. I have seen & experienced shit that
would make u piss ur pants. Coat hangers and things flying around the house.
Lamps would be pushed over. Thankfully the house was blessed later and whatever present intelligence was cast off. When you blow into a dog whistle and your dog responds to something that appears silent to you, do you conclude that your dog is possessed? Just becuz u cant sense something doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.
I believe in all these things. And this is enough for me. End of discussion.
That’s not the same….”all husbands are married” is without testing due to the fact that in order be a husband you must be married…there is no room for anything else there….however….when saying “prior to existence nothing existed” you’re speculating because only what we know as our “existence” is observable. We cannot verify the absence of any other realms….that could have indeed existed prior to existence as we know it.
I think the problem is that you’re subjecting a higher being to the rules of our physical realm as we know it…. this cannot be done because our rules for existing wouldn’t apply to a higher intellect….I don’t have anyway of knowing this but I’m just assuming that any being that created us wouldn’t be restrained by the rules of the universe they created….it’s like when a parent has a curfew for the house they aren’t under the same curfew just the children are….
I agree there could be billions hell even trillions of universes but for now I’m focused on the only one we 100% know that exists… aside from the inherent flaws about abiogenesis I also have a problem with chemical evolution which essentially says all elements developed from hydrogen which IMO is just some of the most ridiculous crap ever uttered by a scientist ever ….I also don’t see how these materials would even be lucky enough to be in close proximity with one another since the universe is so big and vast that’s some fucking luck for you….. hell you have a much much better chance of winning the mega millions & powerball lottery on the same day than for all the microscopic materials necessary for life to end up not only on the same rock in the universe but in close proximity to each other to where they somehow generated life from their non living origins ….
I just think that is quite preposterous to allege as fact when it can’t be thoroughly proven.
My thing is that whatever you subject others to you must also be willing to put yourself under the same scrutiny…..
0. there was nothing
1. someone claimed the BBT and evolution happened
2. someone else says “i don’t see why you think that, perhaps you should prove it?â€
3. claimant refuses burden of proof while simultaneously claiming to have proof that they can’t possibly have, demands counter proof to illegitimate and unsubstantiated claim.
4. debate ends with unverified and invalid claims being propagated and widely endorsed by idiots, while the rest of us look on in disbelief, thinking “wtf is wrong with these people!?, while other scientist bring evidence to the contrary of the BBT and evolution so it ends in a stalemate.
The only fascinating question is not whether an invisible intelligence exists or not. For the moment let’s suppose that we can’t know that for sure. Let’s suppose that the big bang theory is responsible for all existence despite whatever existed or did not exist before. Let’s go on to say in the beginning all was chaos. A massive explosion followed by an atomic marriage of sorts takes place. So the real question is not how but why did creation emerge from an explosion? When we dropped 2 nukes on Hiroshima & Nagasaki, yes there was much chaos, but i don’t fucking remember planets, galaxies & human life beginning to form.
“Prior to existence” means “before existence.” Before anything existed, nothing existed. That’s what the words mean. It’s exactly the same as “all husbands are married.”
Now, the real question is whether existence ever began… or if it has simply always been. Lacking a beginning or end, is equally as profound as, or even more profound than, having a mysteriously spontaneous beginning that cannot be adequately understood.
Perhaps whatever being might have created us, might not be subject to its own rules… but we still would be.
And don’t forget the whole science-ism conspiracy. Some scientists propose controversial stuff just to cause a stir and get funding. The system is corrupt, but /actual science/ is not, and there are some great minds who voluntarily maintain their own rigor, and are not driven by creating controversy to get fame and funding.
You know they found evidence of life on mars, right? Not talking little green men, but life, nonetheless. I don’t think the “luck” you’re talking about is all that extreme. The extreme part is that we (earth life, not just humans) were able to continue developing as long and as well as we have. Out of so many billions of iterations, it’s bound to happen “just right” at least a few times. I would bet there are other life forms out there somewhere… but i wouldn’t even know how to begin imagining what they might be.
not perceiving something doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist… but perceiving something doesn’t necessarily mean it does exist. Hallucination is pretty well documented, and has been an important part of the human experience, throughout human history. We know why a dog whistle works how it does. We can test that. It’s not even close to the same thing.
Obviously, as evidenced by mere observation of reality, people can believe whatever they want, regardless of whether it’s valid or true. Lots of people believe falsities, and lots of those people take it to the next level and insist they cannot be wrong, that they are absolutely correct, without realizing that it’s possible they are mistaken. I’m not the type to piss myself when i get scared. I’ve seen weird shit too, but that doesn’t mean it has to be ghosts or demons, and the existence of ghosts doesn’t mean there is any god. It’s possible that a spirit is created, somehow, upon the initiation of a new offspring. It’s possible, because i have no reason to believe it’s impossible… despite having no evidence to suggest that it’s actually true, which i think we should and would have, if it were actually true. If we have “spirits,” then there should be far more evidence available. There should be ways to test it.
If there is a ‘god,’ who intends for us to be aware of his existence, then there should be /some/ evidence that makes a strong case for that conclusion. There is not. There is no evidence to suggest that there is a god. Fantastical, unverified, unsubstantiated, illegitimate, invalid claims, do not constitute “evidence.”
Literally anyone can make up a story about how a wonderful thing exists only if you believe it and act a certain way. But making up that story, does not make the story true.
*throws cards on the table*
Fine, I give up! God exists! You happy now? Did you get your jollies off?
Sure, why not!? Of course there’s a god, a higher power, a resolute being of omnipotent power over the course of all existence. You caught me, I can’t hide it anymore.
I thought I was smart and it came back to haunt me with this here post. Damn do I feel foolish!
I mean… I have absolutely no proof what so ever but, you know what?! *snaps finger*
I’m sure you all have bigger issues to worry about, rather than dwell over my incompetence to admit the truth, the holy truth. Yeah, my bad! Sorry!
But yeah, he’s out there. God…swell guy! ..Yeeah!
…..So there you go folks!
“I mean… I have absolutely no proof what so ever but, you know what?! *snaps finger*”
Dude, that’s hilarious.
“Before anything existed, nothing existed”….this is purely subjective speculation….That is why I say that existence is only what we know to be existence….much like a newborn baby only knows life from the beginning of its existence….anything prior to the infants existence didn’t happen in the life of the infant therefore to the infant it didn’t exist….don’t get me wrong I’m not saying that whatever happened before the infant was born didn’t happen I’m saying that the infant wouldn’t know about such things unless he was told because he didn’t exist to witness them….and that’s what I’m saying about humanity as a whole we don’t know if anything existed prior to what we know currently exists….we don’t …. we have no way of knowing because well…there was nothing in existence as we know….. Prior to existence as we know it nothing existed is a better statement because it leaves room for you to say something outside of existence as we know it existed…..whether it is a higher intellect? or god? or whatever….that’s uncertain and unknowable as well but that’s what I think existed….some higher form of intellect….also I rescind my prior stance on if “all husbands are married” can be tested….because I realized there is much room for that statement to be false….what about EX husbands? technically they are still husbands but they aren’t married…..what about dead husbands…a dead husband isn’t married to anybody….but he is still a husband….he’s just dead….
I don’t really know what to make of the so called evidence I mean …. I’m not saying we are the only beings in existence but when you define “evidence” is it really 100% evidence or something that they claim in their POV is evidence? when I googled “evidence of life on mars” they were talking about footprints and several newpapers outlets said they rescinded that statement….footprints isn’t enough evidence for me because any odd imprint left by a rock can be considered a footprint….furthermore how can we verify this evidence? we have no way of going to mars and seeing and collecting this evidence for ourselves….
I know some scientist may do things to get funding but even if that is their motive does it somehow make what they say null and void? I thought all scientist caused stir and get funding….especially when they first make a new discovery that causes stir and gets funding…. I’m sure if a guy found a plant compound that cured all disease it would cause an uproar and he’d get funding out the asshole….and you bet your ass it would be considered controversial…. If you google evidence against the BBT or evolution you’ll find other scientist have pointed out many things wrong with those theories and the many flaws in them….just because they aren’t widely publicized in the media does that invalidate what they say?
In order for humanity to be able to effectively deny the existence of a god they must be able to come up with a feasible possibility that is provable beyond doubt….I think when trying to prove god its like trying to prove someone did something without any evidence….like in a court of law if a serial killer is on trial for murder with no evidence he walks….not because he didn’t do it but because you cannot PROVE that he did….being innocent and being not guilty are 2 different things….as for the creation of the universe…I think “god” is found not guilty on if he created it….because we can’t prove it…..that doesn’t however mean he is innocent of creating the universe….
@RT30 lol
😉 just keep’n it real everyone…lay down your arms!
We are all friends here!
*whispers* just stay calm!
Theres no malice or hostility here just a good discussion with different POVs….. Too bad Christians and atheist aren’t that civil and respectful to different POVs ….put them in the same room and tell them murder is legal for a day and 99% of them will be dead by the end of that day lol
I disagree that “before existence, nothing existed” is subjective. If existence has not begun, then nothing can exist. I know it’s difficult to imagine a time when existence itself is impossible, but that is the point i’m trying to make with that statement. If there was a beginning, then there was a time before that beginning, when nothing could exist. If something already existed, then it wasn’t “prior to existence.” I’m being sort of metaphysical, hypothetical, and incredibly abstract… but the point is pure logic. Existence can only occur after existence is possible, and not before. Therefore, it is necessary to accept that IF there was a beginning (which is not known, but is very profound either way), then there had to be a time (even if not a measurable span, due to lack of existence) when existence was not yet possible.
And actually, your repeated suspicion of the BBT prompted me to hit the google.
From my brief foray into the fray, it /seems/ to me that the BB is still, far and away, the best and most viable theory, by a long shot. I’m not a scientist, but i don’t need to be a scientist to be able to understand the debate i was reading, and the logic in play. Essentially, it seems that “alternative theories” tend to be based on “cherry picking,” where they try to explain just a few specific parts “better” than the BBT, but always end up having some other fundamental fatal flaw, aka “deal breaker.” One deal-breaker is too many. If a theory fails, it’s not valid. I don’t think there is any current hypothesis or “theory” that can legitimately depose BB. It’s complicated. But hey, if there is a better (ie: more accurate and complete) way of understanding our universe, then i’d love to hear about it. It’s just that it will have to withstand unprecedented scrutiny, in order to do better than the BBT, and without failing to appropriately frame anything that the BBT currently does. In short: any new theory would have to include all of the data that supports the BBT, and more. There would have to be a new discovery for that to occur. AND, the new discovery would have to be assessed in a way that is not compatible with the BBT.
Then there’s the whole political part of how people intentionally misconstrue or misrepresent data, and claim that “top scientists disagree,” when in fact those “top scientists” are not even in the cosmology field.
I suppose it does come down to a certain measure of “faith,” in that we have to hope that people will voluntarily and dutifully remain “faithful” to their own rigor and adherence to scientific protocol, above their own desire for personal gains.
We have to hope they will remain scientific, make models to represent the actual data, rather than adjusting the data to fit the models. That’s what science is about, and that’s what any true scientist cares about doing: figuring out what is actually happening, as well as we can understand all we can observe through the scientific method.
To understand science, and to understand why a person would be a scientist… i think the very definition thereof, helps to justify having a measure of faith and trust, in that thing. Not everything is deserving of that, but it seems quite justified in this regard. Scientists are doing a lot more than simply reiterating from a holy book. The difference is quite profound. Science is all about questioning endlessly, to make sure there are no “holes” in the theories we can devise. When we find a hole, we try to figure out what to do about it… were we wrong? Is it a mistake? Can we learn something more through it? When religion is shown their own holes, they simply deny any holes exist, and insist that God’s Word is perfect and final.
One is all about fixing the explanation to suit the observation, where the other is about fixing the observation to suit the explanation.
Science says that if the theory doesn’t fit the data, then the theory is wrong.
Religion says that if the holy book doesn’t fit reality, then reality is wrong… and even worse: it must be the work of satan!
ex husbands aren’t husbands, unless they are remarried. “Ex” means “formerly.” As in, no longer are that. The Ex-President is no longer the president (though people often refer to them as if they are…).
In order for “god to be found not guilty of creating the universe,” god must first be Found. It must be located and tested, before we can even begin to know what it has or has not done. And if we have never been able to find it… then how can anyone be so sure it even exists? Well, by being incorrect, that’s how.
As for your miracle plant example… if such a thing were discovered to exist, i would fully expect some shadow gov’t agency to attempt to criminalize and eradicate it, OR, attempt to monopolize it and charge $10k/oz for it.
Jesus Fucking Christ I only had to scan this thread to remember why I quit studying analytical philosophy over ten years ago. I’m surprised I didn’t see someone posting a proof in propositional or predicate logic. This thread deserves, at the very least, a good reductio.
Time is an illusion. Lunch time, doubly so.
btw it isn’t possible to prove the non-existence of God, unicorns, the flying spaghetti monster, undead cucumbers, etc. etc.
“In order for humanity to be able to effectively deny the existence of a god they must be able to come up with a feasible possibility that is provable beyond doubt…”
Oh really? Says who?
That’s not how it works bro.
You’re basing your stance on the assumption that god’s existence is the default standard perception, and it is not. That is a learned, taught, artificial indoctrination standard. That is not the natural default mindset. No one grows up in the wilderness away from other humans and just up and decides that god exists and made everything the way he wants it to be, in order to explain their environment and their own existence.
The default is total ignorance. The default is zero. The position that assumes the existence of a god, is neither default, nor zero. That is a “trick” that theists love to use, but it’s a false framing tactic. It’s incorrect to frame the discussion as though the invalid and unsubstantiated claim needs to be disproved. The correct way to frame it is that all claims (like accusations) require evidence, or they are nothing more than hearsay. This is the same reason that people often refuse to accept the possibility that “9/11 was an inside job.” They want /total proof/, while hypocritically denying that any valid proof or even evidence, can exist… while it is all around them. There are numerous reasons to find the claim of god to be quite invalid… but those who want god to exist, just because they like the idea, refuse to perceive what would easily show them just how absurd that belief really is.
If you have no evidence, and you can’t prove it exists, then it doesn’t.
If you at least have some sort of legitimate evidence, but can’t “prove” it exists, then it at least /might/, and at that point, at least becomes worthy of further consideration.
But it never got that far.
Once the claim is validated and substantiated, THEN we can move on to the disproving of previously and incorrectly substantiated claims. But something that has never been legitimately substantiated, cannot move on to the next phase of being disproved. It’s not even a valid claim yet.
It’s this simple: if there really was an actual god who wanted us to know he exists, it would be obvious. He can do ANYTHING, right? If he wants us to know he exists, he would make it easy for us to determine he exists. He has not done that. Ergo: he is either not all-powerful, or he does not want us to know he exists, or he is not even aware that we exist.
Since it is quite clear to me and many others that there is no god that matches the description of any of the established religions, then i have to define all established religions and dangerously delusional cults, which encourage blind irrationality, while discouraging understanding and truth. I cannot condone, support, or even accept “those people” as valid human beings, because they are at a high risk for irrationally motivated destructive behavior and general drama. They make it difficult for the world to discover the important things worth working together to achieve, while creating arbitrary and unnecessary problems, “just because they want to believe” something that is obviously, apparently not true.
The past and future only exist in the minds of individuals thinking about them in the present. And the present does not exist unless you are a mathematician who believes in infinitesimal durations.
And that’s exactly the problem. The default false-framing tactic itself, is invalid. It’s a trick they always use to attempt to shift the burden of proof away from the claimant, and transform it into a burden of disprove upon the dissent. It’s BS. It’s pure obfuscation at its finest, and it’s infuriating. The worst part is that i call people on this very flaw, constantly, and they just do it again, as if i simply didn’t hear them the first time… or as if by simply repeating it (argumentum ad nauseam!), i will give up and abandon the “debate.”
I would like to believe that i would be justified in simply exterminating all of them… but unlike them, i realize that i can’t just decide to believe outrageous things and then go act on them, and not expect severe consequences.
I want to make a distinction, though, and that is that there is a difference among theists. I can’t help but accept those who simply want to believe a god exists, despite knowing how illogical and irrational that may be, and how there is literally zero actual evidence to support such a belief. They simply want to believe that, and i can’t really say there is a problem with that particular thing, because in my mind, that represents a damaged person who needs help coping with their life and mortality. I have to feel sympathy for those types.
But the rest… those who just carry on the convention and tradition, just because that’s what they’re told and they think that’s what is actually true, and most reasonable to believe… i just can’t. I can’t tolerate that. I feel it is wrong to tolerate that. And, just like anyone else, my prerogative allows me to decide what i will or will not tolerate for deem acceptable, and then use those factors as judgement criteria to aid my selective association process. I won’t associate with people like that. That’s my choice, just like it’s their choice to believe something so ridiculous. Incompatible people with no common ground, do not belong in the same environment. Especially when only one side of those people is even willing to attempt being reasonable and cooperative. I’ve had enough of those others. I do not wish to spend any more of my life dealing with people like that. I’ve learned my lesson. I have to draw the line somewhere, and that’s one of the places i must draw mine.
Maybe I should have described it differently so you can see what I am trying to say….say developers created a video game that the characters inside were self aware ….prior to that video game being created nothing in the video games universe existed….however…the developers are not inside the universe and are not bound by it’s definition of “existence” because they exist outside the video games universe…..before the video games universe was created “nothing” existed as the characters inside the video game have no way of becoming aware of the developers that are outside their universe….as far as they are concerned nothing outside their universe exists because they can’t know and prior to their existence nothing existed…..just replace “video game” with humanity and developer with higher intellect
As far as what scientist provide for other theories I’m not saying theirs is correct either what I’m saying is that even if they don’t have a model of how the universe came to be ….does that invalidate the fallacies and flaws they point out about the BBT? because despite the flaws in what they may say is the origin of the universe that still doesn’t make the points they brought forth about the BBT invalid….like if I say 2+3=6 but point out that you are wrong about 5+5=3 does me being wrong about 2+3 make what I pointed out about your answer to 5+5 wrong?
If faith in “god” is being naive then so is faith in man…. despite a few scientist being 100% honest to assume that they all are is just naive and not smart….what they say should be able to withstand all scrutiny period there should be no room for anybody to bring up anything contrary to the BBT…however there is because upon searching for it I’ve found many reasons why the BBT isn’t reasonable….in fact I’ve copied and pasted a few here …..
Light Element Abundances predict contradictory densities
The Big bang theory predicts the density of ordinary matter in the universe from the abundance of a few light elements. Yet the density predictions made on the basis of the abundance of deuterium, lithium-7 and helium-4 are in contradiction with each other, and these predictions have grown worse with each new observation. The chance that the theory is right is now less than one in one hundred trillion.
Large-scale Voids are too old
The Big bang theory predicts that no object in the universe can be older than the Big Bang. Yet the large-scale voids observed in the distortion of galaxies cannot have been formed in the time since the Big Bang, without resulting in velocities of present-day galaxies far in excess of those observed. Given the observed velocities, these voids must have taken at least 70 billion years to form, five times as long as the theorized time since the Big Bang.
Surface brightness is constant
One of the striking predictions of the Big Bang theory is that ordinary geometry does not work at great distances. In the space around us, on earth, in the solar system and the galaxy (non-expanding space), as objects get farther away, they get smaller. Since distance correlates with redshift, the product of angular size and red shift, qz, is constant. Similarly the surface brightness of objects, brightness per unit area on the sky, measured as photons per second, is a constant with increasing distance for similar objects.
In contrast, the Big Bang expanding universe predicts that surface brightness, defined as above, decreases as (z+1)-3. More distant objects actually should appear bigger. But observations show that in fact the surface brightness of galaxies up to a redshift of 6 are exactly constant, as predicted by a non-expanding universe and in sharp contradiction to the Big Bang. Efforts to explain this difference by evolution–early galaxies are different than those today– lead to predictions of galaxies that are impossibly bright and dense.â€
Too many Hypothetical Entities–Dark Matter and Energy, Inflation
The Big Bang theory requires THREE hypothetical entities–the inflation field, non-baryonic (dark) matter and the dark energy field to overcome gross contradictions of theory and observation. Yet no evidence has ever confirmed the existence of any of these three hypothetical entities. Indeed, there have been many lab experiments over the past 23 years that have searched for non-baryonic matter, all with negative results. Without the hypothetical inflation field, the Big Bang does not predict an isotropic (smooth) cosmic background radiation(CBR). Without non-baryonic matter, the predictions of the theory for the density of matter are in self-contradiction, inflation predicting a density 20 times larger than any predicted by light element abundances (which are in contradiction with each other). Without dark energy, the theory predicts an age of the universe younger than that of many stars in our galaxy.
No room for dark matter
While the Big bang theory requires that there is far more dark matter than ordinary matter, discoveries of white dwarfs(dead stars) in the halo of our galaxy and of warm plasma clouds in the local group of galaxies show that there is enough ordinary matter to account for the gravitational effects observed, so there is no room for extra dark matter.
No Conservation of Energy
The hypothetical dark energy field violates one of the best-tested laws of physics–the conservation of energy and matter, since the field produces energy at a titanic rate out of nothingness. To toss aside this basic conservation law in order to preserve the Big Bang theory is something that would never be acceptable in any other field of physics.
Alignment of CBR with the Local Supercluster
The largest angular scale components of the fluctuations(anisotropy) of the CBR are not random, but have a strong preferred orientation in the sky. The quadrupole and octopole power is concentrated on a ring around the sky and are essentially zero along a preferred axis. The direction of this axis is identical with the direction toward the Virgo cluster and lies exactly along the axis of the Local Supercluster filament of which our Galaxy is a part. This observation completely contradicts the Big Bang assumption that the CBR originated far from the local Supercluster and is, on the largest scale, isotropic without a preferred direction in space. (Big Bang theorists have implausibly labeled the coincidence of the preferred CBR direction and the direction to Virgo to be mere accident and have scrambled to produce new ad-hoc assumptions, including that the universe is finite only in one spatial direction, an assumption that entirely contradicts the assumptions of the inflationary model of the Big Bang, the only model generally accepted by Big Bang supporters.)
this is just from one source…. I was going to post more but it would make the post extremely long due to the abundance of information against the BBT.
As for religion… I agree but I still don’t doubt the existence of something beyond our knowledge….
I just think that the universe had an out side cause…..its an effect of something somewhere doing whatever….. I just don’t think it caused itself and is the effect of its self created cause…. that’s like saying a baby gave birth to itself …
lol. Are you saying infinitesimal durations don’t exist, or require “belief?”
“If faith in “god†is being naive then so is faith in man….”
Absolutely false, and a non-sequiter. We KNOW humans exist. That is an absolute fact.
Having faith in something that is tangible, is quite different than having faith in something that does not exist.
Having faith in a video game is more reasonable than having faith in any god, because i know the video game exists, and i’m almost certain that if i click my mouse a few times, i will be able to verify its existence and then go on to experience and repeatedly test it. Faith is a bizarre concept, with which i usually disagree… but sometimes you can’t do everything yourself, such as in the case of having “faith” that other people who have dedicated their lives to science, will remain true to their own scientific rigor. If they don’t, they will produce flawed results and mislead us all. If they become corrupted by other agendas, they might intentionally adjust their data to make us believe whatever the bad-data shows. That’s what i meant by “faith in scientists.” As human beings who cannot do everything ourselves, we have to hope that someone else will do the right thing, where we cannot. We have to “have faith” that not everyone is a crazy evil moron liar. I’m guessing scientists are probably one of the least likely groups of people to be evil or morons or liars.
I know humans exist. I know scientists exist, and i know that the scientific method and all its wonderful rigors, are worth trusting, when followed and used correctly. I have to hope that those in position to abuse such trust, will not… but i know people well enough to expect that some likely will. So i can’t just take anything science presents as “gospel truth” (as so many anti-scientists love to assert), without at least considering what it is actually saying. And like i said: some things are too big or too advanced, and i just don’t have time or energy for every damn detail of everything. Cosmology, while fascinating, is not my realm.
OTOH, no one knows whether any god exists, and in the sheer absence of any evidence, even with relentless pursuit of it for thousands of years, i have to assume, by this point, that it does not exist.
Anyway… i’m tired now.
“No one grows up in the wilderness away from other humans and just up and decides that god exists and made everything the way he wants it to be, in order to explain their environment and their own existence”
dude…..thats sooo not true….indians mayans africans almost every tribe and early culture had some sort of “god” they worshiped……..I used them even though they aren’t single humans and they are around other humans but the only reason I did is because “no one grows up in the wilderness away from other humans”….If they did forget god they wouldn’t have even learned how to speak or even survive….the wouldn’t even know anything about anything…..and they’d probably be dead within the first years of life
There has to be a default…even if the BBT was default well people have plenty of reasons and evidence to the contrary….therefore they are somewhat showing the cracks in the dam that is the BBT….one thing about the existence of a god is that it can’t be proved nor disproved…the BBT can be disproved otherwise people wouldn’t be able to come up with reasons and evidence against it….
“If you have no evidence, and you can’t prove it exists, then it doesn’t.”
dude….this is false….I cannot prove there is a star in the galaxy 10,000 miles away and I have no evidence but does that mean it doesn’t exist? no…. the core of the earth is molten lave however has any scientist been there? no….do they have evidence? no….is it indeed lava at the center of the earth? who knows….doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist…what if I saw a shooting star? and I told you about it? I have no evidence and I can’t prove what I saw but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist….
Dude you misinterpreted what I was saying I wasn’t saying it like humans don’t exist I meant have faith in humans to have good morals and be honest about everything
No, they do have evidence, but people who don’t want it to be true, always like to say the evidence isn’t evidence.
I love/hate the phrase “it’s all just theories.” As if theories are just whatever people felt like thinking at any given moment. lol.
Another thing i love/hate is how people can use creative language and tactics to gain the upper hand in a “debate,” even if their stance is actually not correct.
I will say that god has already been disproved, by all theists failure to ever produce any evidence to support their theory.
Meanwhile, science has loads and gobs of evidence to support the BBT.
I trust what can be observed and tested. So far, in the BBT vs God contest, BBT seems to have an insurmountable lead, and God has yet to put a single point on the board. Not even one. One!
Zero evidence for any god = people insist on believing anyway.
BBT still not quite perfect after many years of collecting and correlating data, countless tests and ultra-strict rigor = some people insist BBT is “false” (and further imply that it somehow means god is true…).
People are stupid.
If god doesn’t exist, then any faith in it is wrong, automatically, because nothing can come of it.
Humans exist, and we can observe and test them, even manipulate and influence them, to increase the chances of predictably achieving desired results.
Having faith in scientists, is not the same thing as general faith in humanity. A scientist is not just a random human, it is someone who has chosen to embrace a method of discovery through rigorous testing of observations and experimentation. That’s so far away from being similar to someone who “just believes in god.” It is absolutely not the same thing. These people are highly educated and have a personal drive to figure out as much of the truth as is possible.
I can’t help but feel a natural inclination toward trusting someone who repeatedly and reliably demonstrates an innate desire to discover and reveal the truth, even if it takes their entire life to accomplish a few more increments of relative certainty.
I “have faith” that someone like that, would continue being like that, because that’s who they are, and what they want to be… because it’s the right thing to do.
That’s the difference. Maybe that’s yet another thing that only certain people are able to understand. But it’s certainly not impossible that someone could attain scientist “status,” and then deceive or mislead lots of people. That’s where “faith” comes in. I have to hope no one does that, and that if someone tries, the others will do their duty as human scientists, and expose them for being a fraud.
Its exactly that blind faith people have in other people because of their education that allows them to be easily fooled and misled. I don’t care what an individuals carre is doctor lawyer scientist priest policeman I take everything I am told with a grain of salit unless it is 100% provable….and what I find odd is that you think something has been disproved due to not being able to provide evidence for it…..with your command of the English language I would think you know the definition of “disprove” ….with your above statement it could be concluded that you don’t…
Furthermore I have repeatedly stated that while there is evidence FOR the BBT there is an abundance of evidence AGAINST the BBT…..therefore one can only conclude that it isn’t logical to hold something as true and fact when there is evidence against it and for it in the same breath…..that’s like me telling a lie and giving reasons why my lie is truth then someone else giving reasons why my lie is a lie and someone still thinks my lie is truth while simultaneously disregarding why my lie is a lie…..while god cannot be disproved (in the true definition of the word) he can’t be proven either….so I would ask myself….would I go with an idea that has evidence to the contrary or would I go with an idea that has nothing to the contrary? that’s the question
Despite popular belief among people the BBT is not iron clad 100% irrefutable proof of anything…. I don’t understand how people could be so arrogant that they think they have determined what happened BILLIONS of years ago with such precision that they know EXACTLY what happened….thats asinine to me…..I’d rather go with “i don’t know” before I go with the BBT and that’s what I go with I don’t know but between the BBT and “a higher intellect” I guess I prefer the higher intellect because between the two I’d go with the lesser absurdity….
But i’m not talking about “blind faith.” I’m talking about people who bear indications of being more worth of trust, specifically due to their field of expertise and pursuit.
How can you be so sure that any of the “evidence against the BBT” is actually legit? Maybe it’s just a bunch of wannabe Einsteins trying to get famous by insisting the accepted theory is wrong?
But of course BBT is not iron clad irrefutable 100% certain. It’s just the absolute best theory anyone has constructed to explain the observations we can make, and does not contain any “deal breakers.” We don’t need to understand 100% of everything in order to make a valid case against the claims of the existence of a god. We don’t need to understand the origin of the universe and the reason for it to exist, in order for belief in any god to be ridiculous.
What makes the idea of god so absurd, is that “he” is utterly absent and undetectable. There is no way to find it or test it, and people kill in its name, and insist it is the total truth. That, is completely unbelievable and unacceptable, to me.
At least BBT has loads of evidence, even if it’s imperfect. It’s still the best we’ve got. There is nothing better, and that includes the idea that “god did it.” The idea of God is such an enormous farce, that i can’t even say it enough. It’s an absolute load of BS.
One theory has evidence, and is an actual theory.
The other theory is not actually a theory, and has zero supporting evidence.
I think you should reassess what you consider “lesser absurdity.”
I could post all the reasons and evidence against the BBT on this thread and nobody could post one….just one little tiny piece of evidence against the existence of a higher intellect….I will always be agnostic but I will never be so arrogant to openly declare no god exist because I realize nobody has anyway of knowing anyway…. I can’t prove that he does and nobody can prove that he doesn’t…..with the BBT….there is an abundance of fallacies and flaws in it…..that’s my number 1 problem with the BBT is that people can find all these flaws and fallacies in it….
In your words “0 is always better than -1” so while “god” may not have a point on the board….the BBT is in the negative due to all the evidence and reasoning against it……If I posted them ALL on this page it would take a year to scroll down to the bottom of the page to read them….
Dude thats semantics you’re basically saying they are worthy of more trust and less skepticism and my stances is everything gets scrutinized….doctors judges scientist astronauts chemist mathematicians I don’t care…. I don’t care how deserving of trust they are I want 100% proof period…..if a mathematician says 2+2=4 I’m skeptical until I can verify it…since I can 100% verify it its all good….a doctor tells me I need a particular medicine for a particular ailment? I’m going to 10 different doctors to verify what I have and the method of treatment….same with everybody else….when a scientist tells me billions of years ago nothing produced a singularity that expanded and the rest is history…hold up we got a major problem…..because that can’t be tested or verified….then you find other scientist saying well that’s incorrect because of XY and Z well then hey I’m not ignoring what this guy said just because what he said goes against the rest of the scientific community …. especially if it holds weight which most of the evidence against the BBT does…..The truth is that the Big Bang Theory is severely flawed. It will likely be consigned to the history books within a decade or two. There is an increasing weight of evidence opposing the theory.
@clevername…. I meant to provide you with this link yesterday
www . youtube. com / watch?v=1yTfRy0LTD0
Its a documentary consisting of scientists and cosmologists who talk about the evidence against the BBT and how when they brought it forward they were blackballed and fired from jobs because of their contrary evidence to the widely accepted BBT. It also talks about how schools are made to teach students to accept the BBT and not question it. That just goes to prove my point about what happens when people bring forth evidence proving the BBT is a farce… you should really watch it and question what you think you know to be fact….