Hi, I’m a 15 year old male (contrary to the title I know but keep reading) I was born on August, 8, 1998 anyways I was born to two wonderful people here in my wonderful homeland of Canada. I was (am) being raised in a religious group witch I will not mention because its considered the worst sin to talk about it/give it a bad name. But yeah it’s basically led by a group of old men, and everyone in it is delusional, including my parents. So about the title, yes, I’ll get to that right now, I was a special child born with a pretty face despite being a boy, in fact my sister was even jealous of my looks at one point in time saying “you’d be prettier than me if you were a girl”. So my whole life, I was treated as special, by everyone: my teachers, peers, friends. They treated me like I was a flower, but guess what? TMJ came around and ruined everything, my chin protrudes and my face has been disfigured, mind you this just happened I a matter of a month. I can barely open my mouth 3 fingers wide now, and it’s all my parents fault for not getting me the treatment that I needed despite the many warnings from my doctors. Cheep ass bitches I tell you, so yeah my life is ruined, I’ve opted for home schooling, lost all my friends, look like a monster with an assymetrical face. And my appointment with a specialist is on the 28 of January, if they can’t fix the aesthetic damage done to my face I’m going to kill myself. That’s it, I’ve done my research and my method is hyperventilating in a bathtub till I pass out and drown. < google, research.
You were born with several eggs….why place all of them in “the basket of attractiveness”…..fuck it….every day look in the mirror and say fuck it….may seem like it does nothing….but you listen to yourself….so eventually you’ll begin to believe it….”fuck it”…..
I’m not all that great looking IMO myself but I’m extremely self conscious….previously I never left the house….rarely would my neighbors get a glimpse of me….but you know what made me one day recently walk to the store? weed….lol…. I needed a cigar to smoke it….so while in the store you know what I noticed?….nobody gives a shit like we think they do….Sometimes we think we are the ugliest or fattest or dumbest ….but we aren’t….I don’t care how you look dude….you need a friend? I’m always here….I don’t live in canada but I’m very close …I’m 22….a little older than you but you seem very mature for your age….so I wouldn’t have any problems about befriending you….
Hang in there man….even if the procedure doesn’t work ….you are intelligent….augment it, sharpen it, develop it, nourish it, train it, focus it, …lol you get what I mean….compensate for what you feel you lack….and then proceed to use that intellect to gain the things you want in life….there are women that will love you….don’t doubt it man….trust me…..fuck being “pretty” …most attractive people are assholes most of the time anyways…..beauty isn’t everything….I’m not going to pretend it isn’t valuable or coveted but that doesn’t make it priceless ….
You’re handsome on the inside…that’s what truly matters dude….peace
I’m 24, so older than PAIN even 😛 but to make a long story short, had braces on for years, hated it but I look better now. Do you think that makes me feel better? or different about life? Answer is no. Didn’t change a things, real friends stayed real ones, fakes one did too. Then again, doctors can do amazing things these days. Who is to say you can’t get your angelic face back 🙂
Thanks for commenting, but once you’ve been subjected to the special treatment that being beautiful/handsome gives you. Nothing else compares, now I feel inadequate for life. I could just forget about all of it, but when I look at those photographs of myself, and then I look into the mirror in the now. I feel disgusted, repulsed even, I’m pretty sure all my friends would notice it too, especially after not seeing me for a while. It’s over, by the way does anyone know any better suicide methods? I wish I had ********, and a gun is too messy- I saw a guy on youtube do a live suicide, he was a politician or something and his brain came out. Hopefully I’ll have another chance at life (will wait and see what the specialist says ), with a body that matches me, but going to sleep isn’t so bad either.
Your awesome by the way. And sure I’d love a friend, since I’m home schooled now and have 0.
this seems like a case where you are just going to have to be the one looking out for yourself. If your parents will not get you the necessary medical treatment, then you need to get the help yourself. I know you are only 15, but it’s never too early to start looking for a job a to start saving up money to go see a doctor.
I now what ii feels like to have almost no one who gives a sh@t about you. You’ve got to do this for yourself and no one else.
I have tmj too buddy and it ruined my whole life I went from good looking to bad as well. I cry it’s painful because I don’t think I’ll ever get married or have children. I hope this hasn’t pushed you to suicide I just hope you know that your not alone I know exactly what your going through. As soon as tmj started to change my face I was lonely and sad. Now that I look like this it’s harder to make friends and no one in my family believes me even though I went from looking like a pretty femine girl to looking like a man. Im even afraid to see my old classmates because I look like ugh. I hope I get over it. This is so painful.