I’ve been through a lot within the past two days. I lost my best friend because of her thinking I was sleeping with her boyfriend and I wasn’t. He was wanting to and she saw his messages on my phone and doesn’t believe me. I recently dyed my hair black and pink and I look scene. Yes, I guess you could call me that, but I don’t want you calling me a “scene emo faggott going through stupid phases. I didn’t realize how bad rumors would spread or start from my friend. Now I’m the new freshmen scene emo ****** who’s an attention whore and a cheater and apparently I’m “ratchet” as well… I’m getting random texts from people I don’t even know. People are saying it to my boyfriend… I didn’t know what to do. I don’t if it’s too late or not. I have consumed 1,990 mg of different pills about 10 minutes ago. Is it too late to ask for help???
Please call 911
Please Reply!!!
It’s not too late but you should call for help before the effects gets worst
I can’t do that… Nobody knows except for the people on here… It’s been about 30 minutes now and nothing has happened. I should be fine right?
No you still must call the police its not to late
But… I don’t want them involved. I’m fine now, Health wise, I should stay that way correct?
If you told me the name of the pills I could maybe help with you abit kinda in pre med but I still think you shud call for help
No one will be mad if you call for help
Believe me, everyone would much rather have you alive than dead
I had one 44-518 yellow pill, four asprin, two Aleve, and two I-2 red round pills
I wouldn’t count on it…..depends on what you took, and what you took it with.
I just used regular water… ._.
Just Call the police please
I honestly believe you shud call for help
I feel like I’m spinning?? But slowly, I’m tired… Thanks for noticing this post guys… My name’s Krys Lynn. Find me on Facebook or not. I am getting off though. I’m sure I’ll be fine. I’ve survived three close suicides already. Maybe this will be a fourth? Thanks again… I will post later so you guys know what’s up.
Keep safe dear
Please contact us back at some point
I will… Thank you
Based upon the 9 pills you’ve listed as ingested you should be fine. But there is some cardiovascular and stomach issues that can arise with chronic/heavy NSAID use (the ibuprofen or “red” pills, the Alleve, and the Aspirin.) I think the yellow pill you took was diphenhydramine, or more commonly what you might think of as in Benadryl – it can cause delirium in very high doses, not fun at all.
So again, you should be fine in the amount you took, but even though these are OTC meds, I would not take them in large doses all strung together as such. The results can be nasty and not what you want at all.
Addressing the issue behind the pills, I think you can come out strong on the other end of your situation. It may be an unfortunate and stressful social situation but if you maintain your honesty and be just ‘you’ then I think you can show people the truth of the matter.
Thank you “The Distress”. Rumors about me are still going around, but I’ll be fine. I am still here guys, I slept for 11 hours straight though. Thank you to all of you for helping.