i guess im just looking for opinions
everytime after i watch porn, i feel terrible. i feel like a piece of shit. ive promised my friend (who has the same issue) that i wouldnt do it again, but i keep doing it. i dont think its an addiction because i only do it about once a month, and i dont find myself craving it. its just that, in the moment… i cant really stop myself (or dont want to). im not very religious, so im not sure why im having such a negative reaction. does anyone know why, or have any advice on how to quit, or anything? thanks
Maybe you are having that reaction because of the promise you made with your friend (if you are being serious, which i’m not sure since i don’t really see anything wrong with it and i don’t think anyone would…).
You don’t seem addicted to it and are damaging nobody by doing it, so what’s the harm? i guess my advice would be not to take that situation so seriously (i was going to say don’t be so hard on yourself but… well, bad pun assuming you are a boy).
ive felt this way without the promise… i just feel wrong afterwards. idk why 🙁
Religious or not…it’s hard coded into us to listen to our moral code and somewhere inside, that has been instilled in you that you shouldn’t. Think about it, how does the majority of humanity not run around stealing and killing…not because some man in a white collar threatened you with brimstone and hell filre…it’s because we abide by the morals we grew up with…we pick it up without even knowing, from the actions of those around us.
That said, depression can, and often does, alter sexual drive both positively and negatively and most of that is hormone driven…