There Is one thing that will keep me here and It’s pretty pathetic.Well actually two.Getting back with her will give me the “want” to wanting to live cause I’d live happily with her.The other thing Is the number one draft pick.(Feel free to laugh haha)If the Texans don’t pick Johnny Manziel I don’t wanna go on.This reminds me of the superbowl last year.If the ravens didn’t win,I didn’t wanna see tomorrow.Being from Houston and being a huge Aggie fan,I would love to see Johnny touchdown In a Texans uniform not no damn Teddy Bridgewater or Jadeveon Clowney.For the record Matt Schaub Is my franchise qb and Gary Kubiak should’ve never been fired!!College Station Is three hours away.He can drive here!!The Cowboys need Clowney!!The Cowboys defense can’t stop a grandma walking so we need him!!No disrespect Shawn Lee.Football alone,honestly It gives me that want that I was saying earlier.The plays,the people,the dedication,the drive,the emotion.I love everything about It.Out of everything the National Anthem Is the best part.I cried at this years superbowl when that opeara singer sang It haha.The point Is we need Johhny Manzeil!!Rick Smith I live five minutes away from the Reliant Stadium so If you don’t pick Johnny football and since I don’t where you live I WILL THROW EGGS AT THE STADIUM!!
I’m sure some people will trash you for this post but let me say that…. I get it… sort of.
Don’t get me wrong, professional sports, in my mind= entertainment, a distraction, a business. These athletes you speak of surely don’t care which team they get drafted to as long as they get paid.
IMO, extreme devotion to a sports team signals a persons need to feel like they belong to something that is bigger than themselves. (because they’ve lost all faith in themselves) When they win, you can feel like a winner too. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with this sort of mindset.
If you love the game THAT much then take that passion and turn it into something positive. Volunteer with a youth league! You will meet other people who share your passion for the game and you will be a better man for it!
If laker dont make the playoffs i will eat chocolate for the first time in 3 years. Damn im gonna be pissed. :))))