Are you ready to sell it?
How much do you think you can value your life for?
What if so called leaders did a blunder and sold earth for $xyz? —
Hence, I believe humans are stupid because they choose some humans as super humans and call them as leaders
What if newton show-up and say there is nothing called gravity and all 3 rules are bullshit. Same way as Stephen hawking did “all black-hole concept is wrong and there is new thing called grey-holes”
Therefore if you wait for other human to save you, your life worth zero.
1 comment
But human life does not have monetary value.
If Aliens wanted our planet they more than likely will annihilate us anyways the bother negotiating with humans that they cannot even communicate with. Plus aliens may not posses the same customs of barter and trade as us humans.
The idea of electing leaders in general is not stupid. Its actually very beneficial to the advancement of human civilization that we have forms of government to centralize human populace. Yes its absurd that jn this day in age we still elect officals who are corrupt and lack bipartisianship but thats another topic for another.
So a world without leaders, government and devoid of establish agencies that are created and funded by governments to protect you, provide medical servies and personel, provide education, food, water, sanitary agencies, enviromental agencies, etc. Sound like a good world to live in?
If Newton didnt create or fabricate the idea of gravity someone else would have in time.
To be frank the Laws of Gravity cannot be bullshit anymore as they are tested and approved hypothesis. Hence its a Scientific Law.
Black Holes on the other hand are thoeries still becuase, well we havent really been able to go to one and pass through it and do evil experiments on it. So we lack a step in the scientific method so it remains a theory as it has not been proven yet.
Lol im not attacking your post I just wanted to respond to your questions. Sorry if my terminology is a bit off. Its been a few months since I sat in a science class. Lame, totally miss school now.