Well… I um.. First posts are always the most awkward but .. Don’t know what to say really, Live in Uk. 16. at college. Tbh, I suffer from major ocd, suicidal thoughts, self harm, anxiety, to name a few! I may seem happy and at ease, but I’m not really. Things seem to get caught up and I’m left stuck of options and running out of ways to fix things.All un diagnosed. and other stuff. I’m not good at opening up to people, but as you can see, I am on here, I just need a place i can talk to people and A shoulder to lean on. If you’ve got the time, then talk to me, if not, I understand. Just need a place I feel safe and looking for advice and help. Not going to list everything here. But Major fan of documentaries. I write songs and sing them. Not a lot else I can say really, apart from if you need someone to talk to, or want to talk to me then give me an email. email address in the comments below. Â Â Â Â I just try to keep going if I can. One day at a time.
You haven’t been diagnosed for the OCD/anxiety/depression issues yet? The only one that I think probably needs a diagnosis to confirm is OCD. Everything else is pretty self-evident. If you got it, you got it.
And no worries – there’s no right or wrong thing to post here, you’re doing fine. We’re all awkward weirdos here when it comes down to it. Did anything in particular lead you to sign up here today? Also, what kind of documentaries do you like? I’m a big doc fan, too. 😀
I know I’ve got it though. Hasn’t been checked or diagnosed but I’ve got it. For me it’s with even numbers, left and rights, touching objects, smells, colour number coordination.
I havnt been diagnosed with it but it’s just I know what it is and I’m coping with it so it’s not that much of an issue. Well.. It is, but anxiety/I’ve had anger management in the past for that. Which was caused by ocd. So sortof been yeah.
Anxiety and OCD are pretty much components of one another. OCD’s in the family of anxiety disorders along with generalized anxiety, social anxiety, etc.. and yeah, I got dat, too. I tried to organize my cats by height and color but they always wander away and mess me up, so I try to stick to inanimate objects now, like dishes or books.