My piece of shit brother, actually, he’s not my brother, he’s just a piece of shit that has the same mother as I do. Anyway, this piece of shit is cheating on his wife yet again. (Funny she didn’t see it coming, considering their relationship started with him cheating on his girlfriend at the time) and somehow I’m an asshole for being pissed. My youngest sister (who already can’t trust anyone) just found out she can’t even trust family, my other sister is getting shit ’cause she’s taking Tina’s (the wife) side, which I say is the right one. But somehow, our mother is naive enough to still think robert is a fucking angel sent from heaven. First she denied that it could even happen, now she sounds almost justifying it. What the fuck. The only good people on the planet get shit, while the assholes do whatever they want and people justify it. It’s fucking bullshit. Tina moved across the fucking country to be with that pig, and he doesn’t even consider her important enough to show the smallest amount of repect to.
I would like to hear Robert’s side of the story before judging anyone.
There is no side, he’s a pig. He’s cheated in every relationship he’s been in. If you still think he might have a reason, this is the guy that put a loaded gun up to my head and told me the only reason he wouldn’t pull the trigger is because the neighbors would call the cops. He fucking murderer my pets and played with their bodies because “it’s funny” the guy is shit, and he was handed everything he could ever want, but will deny the fact that what he’s doing is wrong. He feels entitled to hurt anything and everything he feels like hurting.
You obviously have a biased opinion of him since he did those things to you. Are you sure he killed your pets or did they die of natural causes and he was messing with you?
Why did he put the gun to your head? If you were siding with Tina, maybe you should of consider the code, “Bro’s before hoes”
I would be amazed at anyone who could be unbiased, even if a fraction of what she said was true. The guy sounds like bad news if he inspires as much anger as she’s expressing here.
I think the OP is a dude
All I’m saying is when you hear crazy and out-of-this world stories, it pays to hear both sides. Robert can’t defend himself and doesn’t even know all this stuff is being said about him. I don’t care what Tina has to say, her version of the story is irrelevant.
Don’t forget to trust a mother’s intuition as well.
I’m a dude, and he strangled my bird and threw and stomped on two of my hamsters…in front of me, so I’m pretty sure he actually killed them. And I’m leaving out the worst of what he’s done. If I wasn’t biased, I’d still want him dead.
And robert admits it, and the gun to my head thing happened years before he met tina. Also, bros before hoes doesn’t apply when he is in no way your bro
Do you have any pets left?
Would you consider making a move on Tina? When chicks are scorned, they give it up easy.
None at all, I lost my dog when I became homeless my sophomore year of high school.
And no, I have my own morals, regardless of how existent morality is in my family
Kind of sounds like you have feelings for Tina.
My bad – pretend I used correct pronouns. lol
My point still stands, though.
Now, on the topic of crazy, outlandish stories – my life is filled to the brim with those. I actually get anxious talking to anyone about the shit that goes on in my life because I know if I heard it from someone else, I’d think they were making it up. I’m sure I’m not the only one who has that much fucked up nonsense in their life, though. But this is also why I never really talked to anyone, at all, in high school – I was kind of ashamed of the people I’m legally obligated to call, “family,” because of how soap-operaish / horror movie script it would sound were I to tell anyone about them. So as a rule of thumb, I always give people the benefit of the doubt.
@bipolar no. She is literally too stupid for me to have a conversation with.
@lorax, it’s fine, and yeah, I refuse to talk about the very worst, but aside from that, I don’t care who knows what. I didn’t do anything wrong, so I feel no shame (for what I will say), but if you looked at my childhood, you’d be surprised that I’m not a serial killer or some other monster.
Well that’s why Robert cheated on her, she is stupid and he needed more substance and engagement in a lover. I just hope those two can work it out. Failed marriages are bad for the economy plus they make your family look bad.
@trappedinthought: No, I don’t mean one shouldn’t talk about it – in my situation, I had a hard time reconciling the fact that most of the people surrounding me at school had relatively non-outlandish lives, while I lived in a freaking zoo with orangutans hurling feces at one another all the time. I don’t worry so much about it now – but I think that might be part of why I developed OCD. A smallish part, but it probably contributed.
And I definitely relate to that last sentence. I think something similar quite often. People who know what my life is like seem to enjoy making light of it whenever something insane happens in my family – “How the hell did you turn out so normal???” Well, I’m definitely not, “normal,” but comparatively speaking…
@bipolar that’s no excuse even if it’s true, but he married her because she wouldn’t make him feel stupid, so I doubt lack of depth is why.
@lorax, I had bad OCD as a kid, now it’s a lot more manageable, but my ADHD hasn’t lessened at all :p but all of my mental and physical issues have always been chalked up to me being born early instead of any abuses, which I think explains damaged tendons in my shoulder and nerve damaged fingers better than just “born early”
@trappedinthought: I always secretly suspected I was adopted. Maybe you’re my twin brother or something. 😮 haha.. It’s basically the same story for me with OCD/ADHD issues. I still get some bad episodes from the OCD, but for the most part, it’s not much of a problem. The ADHD though? That shit’s just obnoxious. I was born early, as well, but I had … whatever that condition is that causes your skin to turn orange (gah, cannot brain right now) and lived in an incubator for like the first week of my life.
Could be the case, God knows I look nothing like anyone in my family (except my adopted sister, which is odd) and what’s funny is my adopted sister has ADHD too, which leaves me with some theories, seeing as how I never met my biological dad. And all I know about my birth is that it was early and that I almost died. I think my skin stayed red for a while and I didn’t ever cry, but that’s it.