I could do the whole life is meaningless and pointless because personally in my eyes it’s true. I just wanted to express the fact as to how everything is so black and white to me now. I see people but not the faces its weird. I used to think life was so beautiful and just perfect but  i don’t know if its because got older or whatever but nothings the same.  I see the world for what it truly is which is such a terrible and horrible place ( in my eyes) but, iv’e recently made plans for suicide and if all goes as planned  i could leave this horrid earth.
The world can be a cold and dark place. No doubt about it. I understand the black and white but from a different perspective. Previously, I had a sizable gray area when I thought about things. Now, it’s black and white… The middle ground is reduced.
I remember thinking the world was a great place…. That was a while ago. So much has happened to taint my perception. I never say never in life… but I don’t think I’ll return to that way of thinking. Our experiences solidify and guide us.
Yeah, tbh I think you’re right.