You do something wrong people shun you. You step out of line then they punish you. You say something wrong people ignore you. You dress the wrong way people gossip about you. You talk or act different people push you away. You stand up to a bully then you’re the bad guy. You try to be nice then you’re the outcast. You get raped then people say you’re the whore/slut. You’re parents don’t want you then people say you’re worthless. You show your feelings then people say you’re dramatic. You show your depression then they say you fake it. You finally kill yourself…. yet people say.. “you overreacted”
if people arrive at conclusions you disagree with, via methods you find invalid or unfair, that’s when you reject the value of their assessment, and stop caring what they think… maybe even call them stupid, or something (but in a very uppity and dismissive way, like “hm, you’re just stupid.” then look down your nose at them right before turning and walking away…).
People say things, and many of them are wrong, and base their words on flawed thought processes and incorrect or incomplete information.
The shitty part is that you can’t fix it for them, if they don’t want to be helped to cleanse themselves of their own wrongness.
You don’t give two fucks about the opinions of some cretin; the world keeps turning.
I lost the mentality of caring about what others thought about me a long time ago and I’ve been better from it. If I want to floor some moron for looking at me the wrong way, so be it. If I want to help an old lady cross the road, why not? If I consciously stand up to a neo-Nazi on a train and come within mere inches of ripping his face off, it’s all good. I did so under my own steam and no one else has the right to say otherwise.
“It’s your thing. Do what you wanna do.”
If there’s anything I’ve learned about people is they are deaf to their own mistakes, they are looking back at themselves through a foggy mirror, they are hypocrites.
Be yourself and love yourself. Be good to you and honestly fuck what other people think because really it doesn’t matter what “they” think…only what you think. Open your eyes to your self worth and beauty. Its there, your just ignoring it. You have to believe in yourself for yourself. Be positive and push the negative away with all your effort. Be your own best friend. Walk with a stride and hold your head high with pride and fuck anyone who thinks your less of a human being than they are. Rise above and love!
Child, you’re getting it wrong.
No one will call a suicide ‘an overreaction’, and parents don’t measure their ‘wanting’ by people’s opinion of the worthfullness of their kids.
Why not simply do what you think is right and stop bothering with what the others will think about it?
“No one will call a suicide ‘an overreaction’, and parents don’t measure their ‘wanting’ by people’s opinion of the worthfullness of their kids.”
I’ve met some who would, have, and/or do, on both accounts.
Popping out offspring doesn’t magically transform terrible people into Saints.
This is part of why it’s so important to think for yourself, and to learn to distinguish between who DOES know what they’re talking about, and who Doesn’t.
Sorry but I don’t buy that. You have to be more specific, on both accounts. With examples.
It’s just statistically unlikely.
so you don’t think anyone has ever thought that someone’s suicide was the product of them “overreacting” to whatever combination of experiences?
You’re going to sit there and tell me that you think every suicide has been deemed “the appropriate amount of response to that person’s given situation?”
Come on.
And you’re really going to refuse to believe that some parents are shallow and superficial and social-status slash image-oriented, and that they won’t think less of their kids, if they can’t go around bragging about how awesome their kids are, or if they figure out that their kid is not well-liked by others?
You think it’s “statistically unlikely” (which isn’t impossible), that shitty people ever become parents, motivated by entirely the wrong reasons, and then impose their absurd irrationalities upon their offspring?
Honestly, i think you’re just in denial about how the world works. Surely you’re old enough to have witnessed such things at least a few times. Surely you may have read any number of stories on this very site, from young people expressing just how unbearably foul their parents are.
“so you don’t think anyone has ever thought that someone’s suicide was the product of them “overreacting†to whatever combination of experiences?”
No, I don’t think a sane person (or otherwise expressed – no one in their right mind) would ever classify a suicide as ‘an overreaction’. Same goes for the other thing about the parents throwing out their kids like kittens because you see someone doesn’t like the stripes on their fur coat.
Now, mentally unstable people can say a lot of stuff, but none it would matter for the obvious reasons. These are the ones that you desperately want to focus on so that you can get a chance of a repeat of your pointless (and not particularly literate in my opinion) tirades from yesterday. But I’m not getting into this today with you. You want to argue – go out and find a real life person, it would be sooo much better for you. Or see a professionals – they get paid to listen to your yapping. And if you think I am kidding, you are the one in denial.
persons not in their right mind, are still persons. That’s an arbitrary limitation imposed upon my statement. Lots of persons “not in their right mind” produce offspring.
I don’t think i said anything about kittens, or kids being “thrown out.”
And now you’re resorting to character attacks.
Fuck off.
creeper tales ,
I agree with everything you were saying but” You finally kill yourself…. yet people say.. “you overreacted†Ha-ha! I can hear them now! gee I had no idea he was so depressed! I thought he was just talking! if I’d known I’d try to help him, oh well what’s for dinner? the truth is who cares what they say when your dead, it means nothing, stay alive as long as you can for yourself, suicide is always an option, your option, I don’t worry about them, I worry about me no one else will, when I pull the plug it will be cause that’s what I wanted to do, I’m talking shit I guess 🙂 but when it comes to taken your own life do it for yourself and don’t worry about what they may think. and never over react fucks you every time!!! 🙂
it can happen. say what ever the fuck u want but when u go to a friends funeral and u see their class mates come and say this was there biggest over reaction then u will know how it fucking feels!! *****!!!
thanks for tht. sorry gillion was mean to you. thanks for defending my statement.