everything seems either boring or annoying. theres very little that i like anymore (including people). every chance i get i drown myself in booze. God, I’m bored.
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Ooh yeah, I know dat feel bro. I know I haven’t exercised in a while and I’m a couple cans short of a six pack tehe but me drinking this way, Imma end up with a keg (read: beer belly). Dat not sexy eh bro? No…not at all. A steak n cheese pie with chocolate smoothie should help recovery in the morning. Does for me. Heavy drinking I have…cut back I must. Fuck off Yodalayhehoo! Minge.
The only thing alcohol ever seems to do for me is enhance my misery and compromise my equilibrium. Sure, there’s the fuzzy buzzy feeling, i guess… but damn, i already hate my life enough, i ain’t tryin’ to make it worse. I can go from ‘here’ to ‘gone,’ and be just fine with skipping that negligible fuzziness.