Is it wrong of me to miss Stefie, Sissi, Bamse, Ash, Lucky, Goldy, Snowy, Starry, Spinny, Plusi and Oreon so so much More than missing most humans? Is it wrong of me to wish my mom would smile at me and tell me I did a good job or even for her to say thank you? Is it wrong of me to wish my siblings would stop saying “I dont like you” and “you’re not really my big sister” Even though I would give them the world? Is it wrong of me just to clean up my room instead of the washing lady? Is it wring of me to teach myself to play piano and guitar? Is it wrong of me to sneak off for a second to study for my exams or do homework? Is it wrong of me to leave the laundry that needs folding standing there for just a bit over a day because I was busy? Is it wrong of me to be silly with my friend. And hide what’s truly inside? Is it wrong of me to hurt myself so others wont be hurt? Is it wrong of me to protect the ones I love who do not want to be protected? Is it wrong of me to care? Is it wrong of me to put my foot down and say no once every now and then?Is it wrong of me to wish I was better in school? Is it wrong of me just to wish I would die just so that everyone can see and feel how much I actually did for them…?
NO NO NO! It isn’t wrong to feel that way because the need to feel apreciated even for a thankyou once in a while from a parent is a need. It shows apreciationnhowever not all parents do.An siblings find ways to get to each other but that is really harsh to say those things to you, caring about what you do an how u do it like homework an your roon you can be very proud of,as far as if being missed by anyone, yes you really would. They would be right behind you, the world can throw what it wants but better to face togeather an strong than ever alone . For stronger is so much better.
Thanks kid
Hey Sissi.
No its ok to miss Stephie and all the rest of your loved ones who have unfortunately departed from you life. I still grieve and miss the ones who have left mines everyday. They took a smal part of who you are when they died but its best to remember the good times you had and cherish the time you did get to spend with them. Be thankful even though it hurts.
No, its ok to want love and affection from your family. It hurts to see that you feel and are neglected. You deserve every “I love you and good job” you get. You should be entitled to many more, but unfortunately you are denied that.
It is ok to be independent and self sufficient. You choose to clean up after yourself even though you have someone else to do that. I admire that, your mature and respectful, that you are willing to take matters into your own hands and be responsible.
Teach your self to do anything. Play the piano, play the guitar, learn to draw or learn a new language. I admire this. You are constantly looking for new areas to grows and new talents to bloom and that really is courageous.
It is not wrong to go study and do homework. You should be doing that, but like I said before it is very mature and responsible of you that you do have priorities and you do make sure to accomplish them. Trust me, having food priorities like these are extremely beneficial and I see you will go far with these traits.
Its ok to leave things and give yourself time when overwhelmed. You are only human and you can only do so much at one time. Dont feel bad about this.
It ok to have fun and be silly with friends. If they cant fun with you then maybe you need more positive and youthful friends.
I am not going to say it is wrong or right to hurt yourself to protect another, but maybe you should find a new way to protect another without hurting yourself. But its ok to be concerned for anothers safety regardless if they want the concern or not. Its ok to care. It only proves you are an amazing, selfless and a truly great person in this world. There are not many like you and thank you. We need more people like you in this world.
Put your foot down when you need to. There is nothing wrong with protecting and taking care of yourself. Be strong and never fel the need to conform to something you are not or do something you dont apporve or believe in.
You can do much more for many more people when alive. There is no need to prove or make a point for the good you did in this world. You are a good person, you are truly awesome and you do not need to die to prove this Sissi.
I hope this helps.
Sorry its so long, I wanted to answer every question you had.
Remember im always here to listen and care. You deserve for someone to care about you.
Take care.
Thank you, the Koji.
This makes me feel so much better!
Koji I agree with so much of what you have said , she is truely amazing with a long life ahead , can make her mark in this world , help others an animals as well.
There is someone who does love her very much but can’t be there right now.
She has a chance to do so much , very talented , though she won’t say,
Very smart, an a smile to light up a room, not coming down so hard for just wanting
To do better, be listened too, loved an want to help is something we all want
Its the walls that come before us of bullies an egnorent hurtful people that cause so much pain .so thanks for being one of the good ones.