i tired of trying to make things work when you dont even try anymore.
ill iv done is cry
go to sleep sad
and wake up the same way
iv givin up
im tired
youv only left me with a broken heart and i dont see why im with you still.
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Assuming this is about a break-up,
Cry your heart out. Break some plates. Find a mean to let your anger out and will it start getting better.
no its not its about alot of things and in my relationship things are falling apart slowly
I hope that you’ll get out of any relations that makes you sad. People should not bring you down, they should bring you up if anything. The hardest thing i ever did was admitting to myself that my boyfriend wasnt good enough for me, treating me like he did. I always felt i deserved it, that Karma decided my life. letting go of him was painful, but not as painful as it was being with him.
dont go to bed sad, dont wake up sad. get rid of all that makes you sad.
“letting go of him was painful, but not as painful as it was being with him.”
Good for you for realizing this… So many people DON’T do what’s best for them and they suffer much longer than they have to. Lots of credit for doing what you need(ed) to do.
Get rid of that relationship and tackle the rest later.
One step at a time 🙂
Thank you! Love makes us blind, I should know, lol.
Its always easy to just be with the one you are used to being around, even if they are bad for you. In some strange way being around familiar environment, even if its devestating, it feels better than being alone. But I know that once you handle that alone-part just for a little while, it gets better 🙂
aka “don’t be with anyone who has problems”
i’d rather be in love and blind, than sighted to observe a world devoid of it.
Unfortunately, i got the latter, and blinding myself won’t create what is absent.
But people with problems are so much more interesting. Obviously it depends on what the “problems” are though, and there are certainly some you want to avoid.
I am tired too. Seems, sometimes, like life is a constant struggle, and that nobody sees how hard it is….I see it. You are not alone. Keep fighting. Wake up early and look at a beautiful sunrise and remember: there are bigger things in the universe….we are part of that universe…..in all it’s magnificence/ Peace. Love.
But there is real love for everyone in this world. People should not settle for relations where you give love and dont recieve it. Thats what i meant @clevername. 🙂
And people without problems are boring. Having problems shows you use your brain to think over things in a different spectre. Dealing with problems is the hard part, and realizing you cant fix everything is the first step towards happiness.
Exactly, lixie. The main thing I look for in someone is intelligence, and people with “problems” are often times intelligent. “Happiness in intelligent people is one of the rarest things I know”. A random quote that I’m quite fond of.
As for there being “real love for everyone in this world”… Idk about that. For most, there is at least the opportunity, but there is never any certainty.
“As for there being “real love for everyone in this worldâ€â€¦ Idk about that. For most, there is at least the opportunity, but there is never any certainty.”
Maybe thats true @theriver. I dated a lot of guys, and they all were mean to me in different ways. But I found one that endoured me for as long as it took to get me happy. I met another girl in here and today we are great friends. She also found someone that made her happy, after being with way to many that made her unhappy.
Guess its kinda hard to do this, and easy for me to say, but dont waste your life in unhappiness when there is someone dying to make you happy. 🙂
and see, there you go… you have a plethora of options to try, where the people you don’t even realize exist, like myself, have Zero.
So, no, there isn’t “real love out there for everyone.”
People like me don’t even get One chance; yours are unlimited. And you apparently just flipped through guys like pages in a book, until you found an acceptable one. Comparatively, i’ve been allowed to read a few tweets, and i’m betting i’m at least a few years older, if not several.
And yet, you were “so depressed.” There’s no way you can possibly approach understanding how much worse my life has been, and will continue to be.
That’s not about making anything a competition, it’s about showcasing the disparity between what you thought was bad, and what is actually BAD.
It’s like you’re sitting on a +7 rating, thinking you’re at 0… while i’m over here with a -3, wishing i could be a +3.
Mathematically speaking, i wish my life was half as good as yours, based on companion selection opportunities alone. Without that, there really is no “hope,” no matter how many times people with so many advantages insist there is.
I love you CN … Really, I do <3 😉
lover dawg
lol, good to see you existing. 🙂
Some of us were wondering, in case you hadn’t noticed.
I hadn’t noticed … I did a couple searches for “dawg” a time or two … no recent results … go figure the one time i don’t do the search when i pop in … my adoring fandom is craving my presence 😛
all is well – real life has been hectic and my new living situation doesn’t afford me many opportunities for this type of “private” activity – if ya get my meaning
humble dawg