I originally joined this site last fall during a very dark spell. I found myself wanting to encourage others, particularly younger folks, who I feared were discouraged and without hope. Then I lost my “remembered” login password, and when I had it, I couldn’t login because the site was unavailable.
But, here I am again. I know this site can be a good place to vent or bare ones soul, and I hope it is frequently used for that, rather than a last plea for help, because … it’s the f—— Internet, and we can’t give one another a hug, or look into each others eyes and see one another.
For me, replaying old tapes, and listening to a negative internal dialogue doesn’t help, yet I know that stopping a vortex of negativity can be difficult, and we aren’t typically taught anything that useful in our schools and families.
While it seems like a no-brainer that we may have chemical imbalances in this increasingly toxic industrialized world which lead us to depression, I think our thoughts can create imbalances too.
Drugs can help for a while, but I can’t help but wonder if part of our life’s journey and purpose is to grow in our consciousness to deal with our emotions. It may be, that I brought in a sense of hopelessness to this life from the unjust death I suffered at a young age in another life, and that my soul needs to learn to grow in order to avoid a rerun.
So, in order not to be hypocrite, I’m going to sign off for a while and practice three things that have helped in the past. I don’t expect to be healed or have all my problems solved. Unfortunately, they’ll probably all be waiting for me, but maybe if I can get some tiny workable shift, I’ll be able to carry on a little further.
Peace, love, and compassion to all of you.
so long
I’m glad your trying a new route what ever is best for you,
one piece of advice that’s very true “you are what you think about” keep that in mind and keep thinking positive. good luck.:)