My past is now haunting me. I was raped when i was 13. Im almost 16 now. and now everyday im reminded of what happened. it kills me inside. i cant still feel everything he did to me. where he hit me, when stuck it in, when he let it out, when he hit me, when he kicked me while i was down, when he stabbed me, everything. i cant get away from it.and i see him every day because of school. hes always staring at me or following me in engineering. Â i cant sleep anymore. i feel myself distancing myself from my boyfriend. i love him. but im so scared. i can tell its scaring him too. im running out of options.
That guy needs to be in jail! I’m begging you to report him. Don’t just do it for you, do it for the other girls he may have done that to, or the ones he may do that to in the future.
Tell your counselor, your parents, your friend, someone you trust so you don’t go it alone. Ultimately, you have to get the courage to tell the police.
I agree your attacker should be reported and other women should be protected.
Your first responsibility here is YOU. This doesn’t go away. I am not huge on counseling, but this calls for counseling. Squashing your pain in this hurts you more than anyone. Its the very reason PTSD develops. There’s no way AROUND what happened. You have to talk THROUGH it. Sometimes we need to know how others survive hell in order to navigate it ourselves. This is one of those times. {{{HUGS}}}! It’s time to take your life back. It’s not his to have.
thank u. i told my boyfriend and my couselor about it, but i cant talk anymore. it kills me too much. idk what to do. do i even belong here anymore. now tht i’ve been used will i ever have a chance to have a family?