So, after being off for two days, coming back to work was really nice. After about an hour of actually laughing and joking around, we hear this noise. My ex walks down the entire row of checkstands, through the lobby and stands in the middle of the entryway to the store, crying. Not your usual, sniff sniff, cry. Oh no. I’m talking about wailing. Like a two year old who got decided to throw a tantrum. Â Everyone in the store stops and stares. Everyone but me. I start giggling. Then I realize its not a good idea so I try to make myself shut up. Next thing I know, our most strict, and one of my top three favorite manager walks by, tells me to call the top store manager, and literally drags Alex into a side room. I couldn’t hold back anylonger. I had to excuse myself, faking a coughing fit, because I was laughing so hard. And nit because he was upset, but because the dipshit was literally throwing a tantrum because on of our co workers didn’t talk to him because she was busy. Maybe this makes me a *****, but I don’t really care. I was amused.
yeah… dude seems like he’s got problems.
You should be careful with that temptation to find amusement in the suffering or misfortune of others (although i’d say this one is justified, since dude with problems gave you a hard time…).
All of my LOL.
Sweets, I think you need to find yourself a MAN the next time you decide to engage in a relationship because…frankly it sounds like you have more cojones than heem, señorita. Just saying, but this guy seems a tad too Aquarius (or the appropriate other Water sign) for your liking.
I’ll admit, that sounds really creepy how he’d wail like that and be dragged away in shame. Have your laugh and carry on with your work – make it a one time event, okay?
Also: Lol at Alexis.