I’ve went from wanting to kill myself to just lost in the ever dark hole of being an at home mom. I sleep all the time. Im missing my kids grow and I know it hurts them…when they say mommy don’t go to sleep agian. I have many diff pills that I’ve thought about just swallowing as many as I could but I just can’t do it. When I look at my children and loving husband I just can’t leave them. But I feel just as bad for even thinking about it…I am Medicaid but sometimes I’m not sure…
I believe you can pull through it and move on to enjoy life and be with your kids the way you would like to. First you got to believe it. I can tell you are a kind person and you have a lot to offer. Your just going through a slump right now. It will pass. Try to get yourself some self help books or self help audio to listen to. that will cheer you up and motivate you and once you get started you’ll be off and running to a better life in no time. Take it one day at a time. set little goals for yourself and go at them one at a time. you can make it through this.
Good Luck
It really is difficult when you’re tired. It’s so hard to just get out of bed. Sometimes you feel like you don’t even have the energy to be happy. But there are ways to work through it. I think you can, especially for your babies and your husband, but mostly for yourself. You just have to take the first step. I wish you luck.
I’ve been where you are and pulled through it. I know the darkness can feel overwhelming, but just take it one moment at a time. Believe me, you’re stronger than you think and things will get better. It’s always hard to remember that in those darkest moments when we’re alone with our thoughts and feeling like the ones we love most deserve so much more than what we can offer at this moment. But I promise you, just look into the eyes of those beautiful children. Yes, they miss you when you are sleeping, but this is temporary, and like any mommy who get s sick sometimes you WILL get better. I I believe in you, and those little beings, they will forget these sleepy days when they are replaced with healthier ones. For now, just give yourself a break, have thought about talking to someone? A friend? A close family member or even a therapist just to sort through your thoughts? Wishing peace your way