“Imagine you are in the middle of the sea surrounded by hungry sharks,
How do you escape alive?……….
you stop imagining .”
Basically you “wake up”.
I had a free class and the supervisor decided to do these weird riddles, and that was one of them.
( a weird free class I will admit)..
I find myself often wishing that this were the case, that with most hopeless situations, we could just wake up, and before you say it I know that these are the imaginings of a fool.  I’d like to think that this – my life- is just the ultimate nightmare and that I will wake up at some point. I hold onto the hope that someday I will wake up and feel the sense of relief  that only comes with realizing the bad dream isn’t real.
But it makes sense, in reality, that the only way to wake up from this nightmare is by going to sleep forever.