Once an addict, always an addict… right? So that’s how this works too I guess. I want to cut so badly. I’ll have to go to the store to get some blades and replenish my selection. Seeing my thoughts written down makes me feel like throwing up. Good thing I’m too high to care
Please buy a book instead of blades, ok? Please. $15, maybe the e-reader is cheaper? Before you end your life I beg you to read this book. The person it was written for had tried for years to cure her depression to no avail. But The Healing Code made the difference for her. It can help you too. Please at least look it up on Amazon. You are here for a reason. You have special gifts the world needs. You are a beautiful soul and we need you here at such a time as this. (One part of you may resist this truth but deep down you know it is true, allow yourself to experience this truth) I am sorry you are suffering so, but don’t give up. The most beautiful rainbows don’t occur without the storm. And a diamond would only be a gross lump of coal without the pressure. Even a pearl is created because of irritation. Hold on.
I’m so sorry that you have to get too high to care. Been there, many times. It sucks.