back to my homeplace and I do not the feelings I should. I am not excited or even remotely happy about it. I am frightened. I have the usual, “common”, yet unrealistic anxiety about the actual flight itself. Its the other things I am worried about too. About running out of medication, about having an anxiety attack, about not being able to sleep, about having alcohol, about losing my mind by not having routine, not doing enjoyable activities, having to lie about who I am because my family won’t accept me. I took the vacation in the first place because I needed to escape my current regime of nothing and isolation and figured surrounding myself with family would be a start at that. I am frightened.
I feel you. We are facing the same situation. I’m going on vacation soon, all I want is to get out of here and put everything behind by going to a new place. It will be my last journey.
I hope that you will find what you are looking for, even it’s peace or freedom or something else. Good luck to you my friend! 🙂
It might take a few days to settle back in and then you’ll be alright.