Okay. So I haven’t wrote here in a year…I guess I thought things were getting slightly better…they’re not. Life sucks. Now I’m 20. In college…and I just want to drop out soo bad, but at the same time, I really want to be a nurse so I have to keep going right? I feel like such a failure. Because, I might not graduate on time, and I feel as if all my friends are graduating and going to get nice jobs and start their life. And then there’ me who is still struggling to even get up in the morning. I still hate the way I look by the way. You know there is kind of that saying that goes, “I can lose weight and be attractive, but you have to get plastic surgery to look good.” Yeah. That is me. It’s not that I’m overweight, though I can lose a couple pounds, but I’m just one of those girls who, no matter how hard they try, they will still be unattractive. I don’t know. I guess what I’m trying to say is, I feel like my whole life has been…well, shit. I know it has…And I know it won’t get better. So I’m kind of at that point where I’m just. Done. I quit. I can’t do this anymore. I don’t know when necessarily, but I feel like…game is almost over for me. I will just snap and not be able to take it anymore. And then…the end.
I wud like to kill myself…! I lost my boyfrnd to death!! And I don’t see my future anymore! I am such loser in my life! My own parents feel that I’m not fit to live! So I think I must leave! I wanna kill myself BT making it seem like an accident.! I heard DAT cherry pits are poisonous! Can I die if I just grind cherry pits and pretend as if I had a good cherry milk shake? How many should I take? Plz help me! I CNT live anymore!
Welcome back to SP.
I find it oddly intriguing yet nice (in a weird way) when veteran users of this site reappear some years later, and hey, nice to have another twenty year old on here! That makes three of us, I think… Anywho, it’s good you’re making an effort with college and I love your chosen career path – I will always have the utmost respect and adoration for nurses. I can’t say that enough haha. I do hope you’ll stick with it and get your coveted Nursing badge at the end of it all. It’ll be some time, but definitely worth it.
Ugh. If looks could kill, I’d be a rock hurled by some cheeky kid. I’ve seen women who’d be an artillery piece – true bombshells. But I’m a simple man who receives the compliments of others, yet will not wholly agree with them. I like to think we all pull off our own little looks that no one else will ever understand, but hey, who wants to look like 6 feet of molded plastic? Nuh-uh, I like my nicely tanned buttocks too much lol.
Sorry about that, I get a little too eccentric at times. Well, I know the game’s almost over for me, but I know a certain number of tactics and such that’ll keep me going for now. Eventually I’ll get to a Boss level and likely get my arse handed to me, but I’ll go down fighting with a Georgie Pie in hand and a fistful of kick-arse headed his way! So, don’t give in too easily. You still have aspirations and unsettled doubts. Do your best to honour them all, and then reassess your next phase of action.
Nonetheless, enjoy your day/evening, and all the best to you. 🙂
…unsettled *accounts
Typo Monster strikes again.
Just keep going. Shit… I hate my reflection. But then I see so many couples where one person looks good and the other, in my eyes, is not so good. lol and immediately I think… “How in the Hell did that happen”…. But beauty is much deeper than that… And everybody has they’re own vision of beauty. So get that out of your head. You’re still trying, and that right there makes you a beautiful person. I’m 23, and couldn’t even stick with the idea of attempting college… So you’ve got me beat by miles. Just keep going. Focus on being a better person and the rest will fall into place in its own time. Don’t worry about who is doing better than you… That’s them… and btw, I guarantee there’s things that you can do better than them… Maybe you just don’t know it yet…. Shoot, they probably couldn’t even handle walking in your shoes, and being in your position, but you can. But regardless.. There’s always gonna be someone that is better than you at something… But so what. Don’t worry about them. They have their own path in life and so do you. Just keep pushing, and you’ll find what you want in life. It might not be today, or tomorrow, or hell, this year, but you will find it.