I cut while taking a bath tonight for the first time. For some reason it was so much better than cutting dry. The blood swirled around in the water, seeping from my skin. It was beautiful. I was almost hypnotized by it.
Also, nothing is better than going to bed with fresh cuts I’ve decided.
Don’t pour your living DNA down the drain…. It’s………. not a pretty place to go..
Mesmerized* … and your first lign ……. The word “lign” is underlined as a mistake in this “spellcheck” automated system.. thing. wtf
Omg, I just took a shower, and I was thinking about doing this.
Haha. And normally my spelling isn’t too bad…
And yeah, it was great. I used to use the blades of razors, and then switched to an xacto knife, but tonight I went back to the razor blade. Took it apart in the bath and my troubles went away for a little bit.
im thinking of doing that tomorrow morning when everyone leaves the house