I saw something on the net recently about sleeping positions and what they supposedly mean about your personality and what not. Now, I’m not the type to buy into things like that, but I had to have a bit of a sad, grudging laugh when I thought about it. My usual sleeping position was not listed. I tend to sleep on my back, legs together and hands folded neatly on my chest, like someone laid out for burial. I never really noticed before. Hah… I wonder what that says about me.
…so, that’s where you’ve been? Sleeping like a mummy, huh?
Well, I’m not sure what that says about you personally, but I’ll admit that I’ve only ever seen vampire enthusiasts sleep like that (an ex girlfriend, don’t ask).
My preferred position is on my side with my body poised like I’m in the scrum position (that’s a rugby term for you folks who’ve never heard of that awesome game) with my arse poking out and my back/shoulders stiffened out straight. I remember sharing a bed (in a totally non-sexual way) with a friend of mine who also slept in the same position; I woke up with our arses stuck together while she continued to count sheep. I woke her up anyway and told her to shift, because phantom farts (it’s a thing, trust me).
Neither of us noticed, due to the fact that both our tooshes had a bit of coosh. But anyway, I guess that means I enjoy weird positions when I’m sleeping. It’s damn comfortable though.
Well yeah, I suppose I have been sleeping a lot lately. Since I have no job at the moment I can afford to. The vampire thing crossed my mind as well actually, haha. I have always preferred the night over the day so I can sympathize with them in that at least. Hmm, imagine being a suicidal vampire. People think it’s so hard, but imagine having to nail a stake into your own heart to get the deed done. Or I suppose, depending on the particular vampire lore your alternate vampire-self adheres to, you could just walk into the sunlight. But burning to a crisp does not sound like a pleasant way to go either.
The vampire-loving ex sounds like an interesting story. I’ve seen those types of girls, but have never had the pleasure of dating one, haha. I’ll admit that I tend to be partial to the crazy gals, though.
I like to sleep on my stomach, no pillow really, and head rested on my crossed arms and hands. Like someone sleeping on a desk but flat faced into the bed 🙂
You may be onto something! I sleep that way sometimes. I usually start out w one arm under my head and a pillow over my eyes w the other arm over the pillow. If that gets too uncomfortable, I will place my hands on my chest.