You know the feeling when you get dumped for the first time. That feeling you get where your heart and your head are in a vice and your on the edge all the time between crying. That’s how I feel all the time.
I’m years old 27, and I don’t have any clear path yet in mind. I have a job where I can work and maintain an apartment but besides that my life is empty, I wouldn’t say empty so much as void. I think of fight club a lot the part where he says everything is just a copy of a copy of a copy. That feels like how my life’s been going.
I tried to go to college a couple of times, meet new people, but I usually do fine then I get stressed and my bp depression grabs a hold. Death would be so nice. I’m around people and empty, I can only open up to a journal and briefly with friends or family. Then I get depressed because they don’t want/need to hear about my shitty life.
“Friends.” What a shitty word. I wish I had one decent friend, a textbook example.
I wish I new what I wanted to do with my life. I feel like I’m missing a link. I hear that trying and failing makes you stronger, all I feel is more pain. Does anyone else get this depressed or have any of these feelings? Is there anybody out there?