isnt there someone you wish was here with you. well yea everyone does for me it an old friend of myne her name is kyrie. but she moved to america. havnt seen her since. but we still talk alote over skype. not the same as her being here. if you relate to this coment. if you wanttto share you story of someone u miss coment. and if you want to talk about it easy coment
I’ve been in an on and off relationship with another SP user for over 2 years, we’ve recently reconnected and click very well together. I very much enjoy his company and feel our connection is quite fervent. He lives in Tennessee as of now though and distance relationships are disappointing as they go. We talk on Skype a lot as well, but yeah, it’s just not the same. I plan to visit him this summer and hopefully things go as planned.
I really empathize with what you’re saying though, the absence of a person’s physical presence is kinda sad, physical contact is important in a relationship of any kind as it’s what humans are naturally accustomed to. Hm. Until then I’ll LOL at trolls.
I hope he’s not upset about being genitally mutilated, as he can’t expect to receive any sympathy from you.
As long as he buys you lots of nice things and shuts his mouth about his problems, everything will be just fine in that relationship.
i wish you luke stendarr. be able to succeed were i failed. i hope it prevailes
i wish you luck
stendarr. be able to succeed were i failed. i hope it prevailes
I had a childhood friend that I loved to be around. He was that kind of person who really lightened the mood, at least for me. As we grew older, he became more aggressive. With his family, with me. Soon after, I moved, and we became more distant. There would be times were I’d visit him for a week before leaving for a year or more at a time. It wouldn’t be the same during the times I would visit, though. He’d hit me every time he thought no one was watching. He even forced himself on me once, and I had to fight him off. Then, soon after that, I left and lost touch with his family for 4 years. Last I heard, he was released from Boot Camp after 8 months, and is now homeless because he’s too violent for his Mother to give him a place to stay.
I can’t say I’d wish he was with me now. But when we were kids he was nice enough to want around.