I’m sixteen and just recently got caught shoplifting. I’m so stupid. I have one of the highest gpas in my school, play a varsity sport, and successfully take the hardest APs at my school but I threw everything away with this one mistake. My parents blame themselves when it’s all my fault not theirs. They barely make enough to support our family yet I selfishly cost them more so that I can get an attorney in hopes that this won’t remain on my record. If this stays on my record I don’t have any chance of going anywhere in life and all that stress and bullshit I’ve been through would mean nothing. This is my first offense but when I got caught I was so stupid I lied to loss prevention and I’m so fucking terrified that they will use it against me and ruin any chances of getting my case expunged. I’m fucking nothing but filth and everyone would be better off without me. Bye.
Sure that has been a stupid mistake to do, but it’s not all over because of that.
If you need somebody to talk my skype is phil2921
My guess is, if the state even bothers to pursue it, you’ll get probation and if you don’t get into any trouble for a year it will be expunged from your record.
Oh please do not let this derail you! Shoplifting is actually something a lot of teenagers do. I did it. I didn’t get caught but I felt like absolute shit so I didn’t do it again.
And the reasoning behind why you did is understandable.
We all fuck up; we all make mistakes. It’s okay. You are okay. You are going to come back from this just fine.
Shoplifting DOES NOT cancel out all the hard work and good you have done. Hang in there. Forgive you because you do not deserve the emotional hell you are putting you through. Take care.
Everyone has given sound advice. In most states or counties juvenile misdemeanors don’t carry over and your criminal record is sealed when you turn 18 as long as you’ve successfully completed your probation, community service or whatever. Just walk the line from now on and things will be fine. It will help if you make amends with your family for the trouble and expense – getting that off your conscience will help you not feel so guilty or bad about yourself.