I hate feelings. Why do I have to feel? Sometime I feel everything at once to the point where I end up having a mental breakdown or crying or hurting, but other days I feel nothing. I feel nothing and I don’t know how I feel and I want to get mad but I end up feeling nothing. So I don’t know what my problem really is now. I don’t know what’s worse either. Drowning in my own mind or dying from the thirst.
That’s depression for ya… The constant feeling of numbness and hopelessness… Emotions suck anyways… Depression sucks too though… I’m sorry you have to experience this… I hope you find the world of emotion again…
Looks like someone can’t hold all these feels, but it’s okay bro. (brohug). Point a way towards the moon with your finger. Don’t let your mind take you there, feeeeel yourself travelling to the stars.
(Yeah, I so just ripped off ol’ Bruce there, but he’s the man anyway).
aarondream, I think the key to anything is balance. Being depressed or irrationally emotional all the time can cause people to lose sight of this. Do you really want to know what it’s like to feel nothing all the time? My mother has bipolar, and I was always largely a loner when I was younger. There is a condition that exists called schizoid personality disorder, people with it hardly have any emotions at all. Do you know what it’s like not having any emotions to push you and guide you through situations? You can’t respond to anything. Do you know how awkward it is to say “Uuhhhhhmmm…” to somone who says that they love you? I’d rather die than continue through the fake life of people who either think I’m just their favorite person when I feel absolutely nothing about them, and would rather prefer to just be lefft alone forever and not be disturbed by their incursions, or adversely, deal with people who don’t understand that I’m literally incapable of responding to things in the way that they are, people who I would never be associating with if I wasn’t a zombie anyway that don’t understand that. It’s like being unable to establish personal boundaries with some less than intuitive people, they all just assume too much. It’s like being push around like a cloud in the sky. I was thinking just yesterday about how useless I would be in an emergency situation while watching ‘What would you do’ on the internet, where they staged scenes of would be abductors lingering around playgrounds looking for children and recording the reactions of adults who responded to help the child, and all I was thinking was “Wow, I would be utterly useless in a situation like that.” because I’m like a lump. I don’t know what I would do, I’d probably just stare haplessly after it was already too late, useless, off, barely conscious, barely living. Humans need emotions to function at some level otherwise we’d be like plants. I hope you can learn to cope with your emotions better … even though that sentiment of hope may be sort of lacking.