there are times when i really want to dance the line of life and death, and others where i am glad to be alive. lately though it seems to be the latter of the two. Â there have been times when i have tried to slice my wrists, i have tried to take pills. my question is this: is there a reason i am still here?
Yeah the reason you are still here is because your Suicide attempts didn’t go through.
join the crowd there are a lot of people here in the same boat.
i guess what i ment by my question is why i failed… even the doctors said the cuts were deep enough, and the amount of meds i took should have done me in but something kept me alive untill the paramedics came…
LiveyRoo, good thing about your story is the very moments you are glad to be alive; so no hope is lost yet. According to your fight between life and death, I could guess you are a very impulsive person; hence the suicide attempts. If you hit rock bottom, then the boulders above you are really pressing on your shoulders and you can´t find any escape path – not even a beam of light in sight.
My mom is similar, she was just another week having long walks in the mornings and appeared to be happy – said so too. Well, the other day we had a quarrel and the next thing I get is a text message which said: “When love isn´t enough, I´ve chosen this day to be my last day.” Luckily she didn’t have the guts.
I have no idea if you can relate in any way what I´m saying. But I believe there are two types of depression; prolonged and impulsive. Of course they can vary and intertwine in many ways but still.
The reason why you are still among us is perhaps of that some great destiny lies ahead of you. Maybe you have a purpose in helping others or just being a friend and support for someone else. There are reasons everywhere but a blinded and depressed mind cannot often vision them anymore. And as you´ve said you sometimes have feeling of joy being alive, now there is reason enough; life is precious and if not all misery then enjoy the little positive things and the good days ahead.
Take care, and think of the all the times you´ve been glad to be alive – there will be plenty more, I can almost assure you.