Everywhere I go people have something horrible to say about me, whether it’s that I’m an idiot / retard / moron / ugly or disgusting… they just never have anything positive to say and lack the empathy or sympathy to understand how much it hurts. I have no chance of survival because is no way for me to escape emotional pain. Some people would laugh at me behind my back or right in my face and say things like “he’s the ugliest person I’ve ever seen” or “he’s a worthless piece of shit” and some things that people have said have really stuck with me and I’ll never trust people again. When I was growing up I used to think that people were inherently good but now I know they’re not and when they’re nice it’s because they want something from you. It’s not my fault that I was born the way I was and that people who should’ve been caring for me attacked me and left me brain damaged. I’ve taken it all my life and I’ve let them take my heart, but i’m a ticking timebomb and if they push me too far I’m taking them with me.
People are horrible and whoever has done you wrong so far, every single one of them, is getting-slapped-worthy. I recently read that you shouldn’t forgive people because they deserve it, but because YOU deserve peace. So that’s something to think about.
Hey man 🙂 I’ve just registered to this forum, didint think I would answer others threads but I really feel bad for you.
I don’t know how old you are but high school and schools everywhere can be really hard sometimes. One thing I know, and trust me on this one! is; if you do what you love, you will meet people that lovet you. Trust me.
Do you have any hobbies?