WHAT do others do with anger? Thankfully, i live alone, so i at times rant and slam things down. i beat on my arms, i LOVE feeling the pain…it allows my mind to refocus. I sometimes cut, but i prefer the hitting, beating myself….usually my lower arms and when they get too sore the upper arms. sometimes i leave bruises…sometimes it takes a day or so to show up. try to cover them when out in public. Again, at home i am alone. i wish for crazy things…like to drop a cynder block on my head, knock myself out (doubtfully) or get a brain bleed and just not go to the ER. No one checks me…they seem far-fetched, but i hurt and i am angry and physically hurting myself is the only way i can cope right now with all my pain. ideas anyone? i guess i see my causing myself these short bursts of pain not hurting me…just a way to cope until i can go the “Big Deal”…and PERMANENTLY make it all stop….forever.
i punch my Obama voodoo doll
hey, Stendarr, I DO VERY MUCH like the idea of a voodoo doll. If you really have one & are ok with my voodoo doll not being of Obama but of a *****-face person in my life, please tell me how to make one or where to buy one. I think you might be joking about this, but the idea is very cool to me. I despise someone and I’d like one of these. Thanks for sharing!!!
sometimes i shoot him with plastic missiles from my plastic unmanned drone as if he was part of a pakistani wedding 🙂