It’s always nice to know that my family unanimously agrees that I’m a world class fuck-up. They expected me to completely and utterly ruin anything and everything for everyone at a wedding, and was completely baffled that everything turned out fine. But they are still dissapointed for a reason they refuse to enlighten me about. What in the holy hell have I ever done wrong? Whatever, it doesn’t matter what I did they’re still going to hate me for who I am regardless of what I do.
i hear u. my family sucks too. i say scew em. They are the fuck ups. maybe thats what u should say too?
Neil Young
“Fuckin’ Up”
You ever heard Neil Young and Crazy Horse “Fuckin’ Up”?
I left a link but of course it got modded..
Paingoaway, haha I don’t know if I have the courage to tell them to fuck off. If I do they would probably try to make me feel worse about myself. But I wish I didn’t care about their opinions so I could. And takeverything no I’ve not. (Well, I don’t think I have, having crappy memory sucks). Thanks guys for taking the time to reply 😀