Hi.I’m New Here And I’m Glad I Found This Site.I Can Relate To Almost Half The Posts I’ve Read Here.Dying Inside,Dead,Suicidal Attempts And Fantasies.During The Day,I’m ur Typical 20year Old Girl.Popular,Socialite,Pretty Slim,Bubbly.Heck I Make The Jokes Half The Time.But The Nights..The Nights Are The Worst.The Real Me Emerges.A Pretty,Empty Vessel,Disturbed Girl,So Broken,So Torn.I Used To Self Mutilate Becoz The Pain I Inflicted On The Outside Was Better Than The One I Felt Inside.Sometimes(all the time)I Just Wanna Sleep And Never Wake Up,I Dont Want To Do Anything Or See People.I Question Anyone That Claims To Love Me.Becoz I Love Myself.Infact,I Hate Myself.So Its Really Difficult To Fathom Why Anybody In Their Right Mind Would.I’ve Mixed Some Pills And They Knocked Me Out But Just For A Few Hours.I Dont Wanna Think,I Dont Wanna Live..I’m Just Tired..
I started typing an entry this morning and abandoned it midway. I was tired of even saying that I was tired. Just wanted to say (now that I have the will to write anything), i can relate.
Hello There!
Thank You For Your Comment.Tired Of Being Tired!I Can Even Make A Song…How Do You “deal”With Such Feelings.
This is hard because I know so many girls like you, both me and another severally depressed (we both suffered from PTSD from emotional and physical abuse when we were younger) are very similar in that you would never think to guess. But it doesn’t make it any better to think that we “should” be a certain way just because we look like we shouldn’t have those kind of feelings.
this is weird, i dont understand what pushes you to think like that. as well as you have everything to be happy, so what are waiting for, just find a nice guy to share your life with. 😉
Reply please.
It is not always as simple as just “finding a nice guy.” Her feelings of self-loathing are valid, whether or not she needs to feel that way is up to her. Often times the worse thing to do is get involved in a relationship because it increases the chances that someone may get hurt. I recognize your name from a post that was looking for girls (preferred) to talk to. Just a heads up that many pervs on the internet pose as nice young men and then proceed to cyber stalk emotionally vulnerable young girls with unwanted advances and “sexts” nudity etc. Not sure of your intentions but just be aware that there are men like that out there and it may send the wrong message.
If you still have so muh energy to attempt to get attention online by writing what you did…then I don’t think you want to die.