i just howled like a man on fire at the moon… it hurts so much not being abel to talk to her some times and haveing a depreshoin spike now is really not helping i cant even tell her i dont whant to it could hurt her ni just whant to crawl back in to the hole i came from and sleep for ever escape iv got to stay on my feet i whant to yell agine its like a fire i whant to run about the wood yelling and screeming my frustrashion at the world she will understand my paine the woods are her voce and ears i guess i just whant to cry and cry and cry till there are no more tears till my mouth if filled with blood from screeming most of all i whant to hug some one not just any one some one of the other sex hold them tite feel them hug me back feel another person there its primel almost berning feeling its fucking freeking me out i know it will pass it always dose but for now im not human im an anamal i whant to die i cant get thoughs faces out of my head the sound of a 13 year old hiting the deck…. FUCK i just need to run and screem and jump and hit something hard so it dosunt get up and when it dose i whant to it have a big back eye