dtm is what we make befor we die ay one who has had a near deth or has died for sevrel secionds (welcome to the club of almost there) will have felt this i first tryed dmt when i tryed killing my self for the 6th time and didunt understand it till at a gig i tryed dtm knowing what it was dtm is the cem in your brine that carms you down to die with out dmt you would spass out on the floor like in a bad scary film so the question will it help you pull the trigger no it whont if your looking to do that vire dmt all you will feel is high and i quote 14 year old me “holy” but its not for evrey one it can leed to you freeking the fuck out and makeing life harder than it is my advice for any one looking to try dmt is that you do it with some one who has done it befor
thats all i got apart form only take it once
Oh, yeah, DMT.. doesn’t it send you into a state of illusion? Since it’s released upon death, technically you, I or anyone could have died already and this could just be a dreamstate, a continued illusion of our life.. uh oh, solipsism nightmare! No, no, don’t think about it. lol.
Sorry, I don’t understand gibberish.
You seem pretty fluent in *****.
The poster has dyslexia. Communicating through written text is a struggle for him.
How are we supported to know he has dyslexia? Being rude and calling names is unnecessary