Is it wrong to resent the people who told the law enforcement and children services that I was lying about all the things my mothers boyfriend did to me… Even if they’re family?… I know it’s been yrs since it’s happened but with all my flashbacks I’m still trying to figure things out.. I’m so confused about everything.. I’ve been trying to make since of everything all day and I’m only spinning in circles. Sorry for ranting on…
Was it true? Were they just covering for him? That’s pathetic if so.
This is a place to speak your mind. Don’t be afraid to share here. We’re a very supportive community and if nothing else, we’re good at listening.
Have you sought counseling for what was done to do?
If it weren’t true I wouldn’t have been taken away.. There wouldn’t be that many domestic violence calls and there wouldn’t have been so many holes in the walls.. But I’m trying to understand why he gets to walk?! Why does he get to walk guilt free yet I’m stuck here almost everyday with everything replaying like a horror movie in a child’s nightmare…… Nothing makes any since to me.. Why is searching for answers so hard.. Why can I not put any pieces together..?
Ugh. That’s horrible. I wish I were a law enforcement officer, I would never have let that bastard get away.
I was forced to go see someone once at the Buckeye Ranch but I walked out. I tried a few months ago but the therapist guy said “I need more intense help then he can give” then proceeded to give me a list if numbers. Did I fuck up somewhere along the lines? Was all of these things just some kind of sick karma?.. I’m so stuck.. Spinning and spinning I don’t know where to land.. I just want it all to come together
No. Don’t acclimatize to the victim mindset. Sometimes people treat us terribly because they have their own issues. It’s not your fault.
I just don’t understand… I don’t understand how someone can go on and not feel an ounce of guilt….. I also don’t understand how a mother can choose a sick bastard like that over her own blood.. Forget all that though I’m just trying to figure out how to sleep. I’m trying to figure out what triggers my mind to replay it all.. I’m trying to figure out how after so many showers I still feel so disgusting.. How do I take back what he took from me?…
You’re not the only one who found themselves in that position. However, if I had a child and knew or suspected my partner had acted inappropriately towards them, I would dump them without a moment’s thought – but too many women are forgiving or dismissive of even the most grievous actions. Jesus.
Just try not to dwell on whatever happened. It doesn’t make you any less of a person. It also doesn’t make you ‘disgusting’. He’s the one at fault, not you. I imagine you were young and couldn’t defend yourself. This is a common scenario. Predators date somebody with an underage child and take advantage of them. They are mentally unwell. It’s possible that they were abused as a child also and are now repeating what happened to them. Who knows. Regardless, know that you are still a beautiful person despite whatever may have happened in your past.
* My response went to moderation (check the comments section).
It’s hard not to dwell on something that you can still hear see and feel… It’s like I said above.. A horror movie replaying in a child’s mind. Only more vivid. I can still feel everything I can still see him I can still hear him… Idk if that makes me wrong?… It’s hard to explain.. I wrote a little about my story earlier. It’s labeled Long Lived Blackbird.. Idk if that matters it’s really long so it’s kind of a waste of time but I just figured I’d share some things about me to try and maybe get some insight on where to go… Maybe someone to help me figure out how to get my mind to slow down… Maybe, maybe not. It’s worth a shot I figured. I’m sorry
I read your story, it’s very sad.
The only advice I can give you is not to think of situations in the past that upset you. I’ve been treated badly and I’ve also treated people badly who didn’t deserve it and what can I do, but try to dismiss it from my mind. The more you think about it the more it’ll remain fresh in your mind. Try to distract yourself with more positive thoughts. When you know you’re feeling down just do something that makes you happy. Watching comedy shows, going for a run, creating a painting or poem or some other work of art, playing a fun video game, engaging in a rewarding workout routine, listening to upbeat music and dancing, eating good food, or drinking alcohol, whatever. Just distract yourself and your negative memories will eventually fade to the back of your mind.
Thanks for the advice.. I’m trying.. I’ve been trying it just doesn’t seem to work.. Maybe if it didn’t replay like I was actually there and I could find a way to snap out of those moments I could but I can still feel it all… And it all seems so real. I start to feel like I can’t breathe and I’m humiliated to say that I’ve even lashed out and hit ppl while in these moments.. Idk why.. I guess because I don’t realize it’s them? I think it’s him touching me?
Yeah I know what you mean. Just lie low and think of other things. It WILL dissipate eventually, I promise. Soon you will be able to dissociate your memories from him and see other people differently.
I despise promises :\ thanks though… I hope you’re right because the more frequent they become the more hope dwindles away
🙁 I’ve known several people sexually abused by relatives (both by there own fathers). It always seems like the mother initially doesn’t believe them and I’ve no idea why.
One of the mothers eventually did realize it years later after her daughter’s suicide attempt and now is quite guilt-ridden that she let it go on so long. The friend told me her father laughed at her when he saw her lying on the floor with all the pills she had taken at vomited up beside her on the tile. Her parents split a little while after that. Just a few years ago, her father died. My friend was the only one who attended to his funeral. None of her siblings nor her mother came. She said it was one of the hardest things she’s ever had to do, but that she needed to do it, as if burying him would help her heal a little.
The other one I knew, the mother never believed her and she left home at a young age. When I met her in high school, she was living on her own and she was a year older than everyone because she had been held back a year. Her locker was always next to mine because they were assigned alphabetically and I would find her crying at times. She later kept getting involved with guys who beat her or used her as an emotional punching bag and was pregnant by the time she graduated. I lost track of her shortly after that but I know the baby ended up with her aunt.
To my knowledge, neither of their fathers were ever prosecuted.
I’m not a violent person in the least and have only thrown a punch in anger once in my life, but when someone treats women like that and abuses their own children, I really really want to be violent. It just really gets to me.
I’m sorry you are going through these feelings too.