Tired of trying. Tired of crying. Just a lost soul who is waiting for the end. The hurt that is going on inside, no one tries to understand. They all say, “Just get over it and move on.” but how can you get over feeling dead inside?
I understand this, just move on its so stupid just let it all go. If i could of i would just like everyone else who has felt this way
exactly. and the worst part of it is, it comes from my parents.. my mom hates that all I do is cry and “feel sorry” for myself. and she doesn’t understand why I don’t want to be here anymore. I am 22. I’ve felt empty since I was 16.
First of all, they don’t understand and they probably won’t ever. I’m 21, first tried to hurt myself when I was 15. I know it’s not in your head and you do not have to force yourself to move on because other people tell you to. In fact, know that it’s okay to cry and feel the way you do. No one told me that it is okay, and I wish they would have because that’s the one truth in all this. It’s completely okay to feel what you feel. <3
Thank you, iamsamijo. No one tells me it’s okay to feel this way. They just say they wish I was “normal.” They don’t get it and I hate it. I wish I could say I hate them, but it’s my parents. I don’t hate them. I just wish they would see that I can’t help how I feel and that the taunting and telling me that I need to move on doesn’t help one bit.
I hate-hate-hate the comment, “Just get over it and move on.” First they tell you “depression” is an organic, brain disease. Then they practically tell you to will the disease away. How about this one. My brother is also depressed. And the last time we were together he told me to stop feeling sorry for myself and just go out there and get mine. It felt like a knife wound to the chest, and I literally couldn’t speak for nearly 10 minutes. And it was one of the greatest hurts I’ve ever experienced.
It is probably one of the worst feelings in the world when someone tells me to “stop feeling sorry for myself.” No, I’m not acting like this for pity or attention. I’m not acting at all. Depression is something that, unless you have it, you don’t understand it. Wanting to kill yourself or having those thoughts of making everyone feel better by leaving, is hard. I’ve tried killing myself in different forms, and they didn’t work. I’ve always been found and saved. You aren’t feeling sorry for yourself. There is a place inside of us that feels so alone and so empty that we feel that we are alone and that no one can make us feel any differently. I hate it. I really do. Especially seeing the ones in my family so happy and joyous about things in life and I’m just like.. can I end this already? It’s horrible. I’m medicated and I still feel as if I am a burden to everyone, including my girlfriend. And I hate it. You are not alone and you aren’t feeling sorry for yourself. I’m here to talk if you ever want to.