Joining the suicidal project not because I am suicidal God knows Iv’e never been ballzy enough to even atempt. However, these dark thoughts have haunted me and I’m completely lost in the problems of child hood and self demolition. I have became who I’ve never wanted to be like my father… and i am scared to be come what my biggest fear my mother. Anyways here I come , just another dark post.
Self demolition is the worst, Sounds like you’ve been in the doldrums. Like you, I’ve spent recent years trying to figure it all out. People like you who are at least capable of having fun should look at life as a holiday. Some people bask in five star hotels whilst others rough it and take in the local culture. Either way, you gain experiences and pass time before eventual death and the best we can hope for it to be swift and painless.
Well i do i mean im not always depressed , i can hey happy but … it doesnt take long of much for thay happiness to be lost. I feel like im more happy then i am sad. The world needs more people like you though making us have the good laugh no matter what mood we’re in.
If only you knew the real me, the one everyone loves to hate. After all this time I still don’t know what happiness actually is. Perhaps that’s why people value continuity and mistake that for happiness to avoid these mood swings. In most cases boredom prevails and almost everybody ends up ignoring the question until they contemplate suicide.
How is it that you make so much sense ? Are you a male or female ahha , im all about the mood swings … and as you say at the end of my day boredum prevails
I’m a man.
I’m going to guess: Are you a teenage girl?
Haha am I that transparent , well not a teenager exactly legally older than a teenager however still trying to fit in somewhere I don’t know yet. Well Im guessing you’re older since you used the word man instead of boy or “guy” maybe 20’s 30’s unless your just the opposite of a cliche teenage boy.
Yep, I’m 30. I went for an interview today and I don’t know why I’m telling you this. It seems their only objection and reluctance to hire me is that I’m ‘too awesome.’ I’m not disputing it but surely they want to acquire the best talent. I should have asked whether they suffer from low self esteem, whether they are depressed or suicidal and do they happen to frequent the Suicide Project?
They all know that as soon as I get offered a high paying job I’ll leave and that’s why it’s difficult for someone of my standard to get a crap job. I feel bad about letting people down but if something better comes along I’ll be on my way to greener pastures.
I’m just so fucking awesome.
Well let me just tell you your pretty fucking awesome. I was looking forward to your reply today you always seem to make me laugh. But you just get shit more than a toilet seat. Haha well anyone would be a fool not to hire you and hey a job is a job you’re lucky you can even get one. My stupid self is still taking classes.