This will be my third story on here. And probably my last. I’m done. I typed up my note on my computer and I have my pills with some water. I am going to do it tonight or tomorrow night. I’m sorry if you tried to help me. It’s almost funny. I walk down my hallway and see pictures of me when I was younger. You wouldn’t even imagine I would become this. This monster that cuts himself and cries everyday just because he is different. Someone who can only find closure in death. I really wish it didn’t have to be this way. I just can’t see a future anymore. I once wanted to be a vet, help animals that were hurt. Sounds like I need a vet now though, hah. 🙂 Goodbye and thank you all for being positive. :'(
I understand how you feel. But it really isn’t too late. You can find a place to fit in in the world.
and you can better yourself and better your life if you put some effort into it.
But well if you have chosen to do what you say I just hop you dont mess yourself up.
pills dont always work and you can wind up hurting yourself
I wish the best for you.
Thanks, I hope the pills work too. I have Marfans, which makes my aorta in my heart abnormal and the pills (Losartan) keeps it regulated, I’m not sure how many it would take to destroy it, I hope I have enough. Or maybe i’ll do something else just to be sure.
I hope you do the right thing, make the right choice and find your closure.
I really hope you will reconsider, as a person’s sexual preference does not have to be a big deal in 2014 (which, based on your previous posts, is what I’m assuming you mean by being different). You can still be a vet, have a good life and pretty much anything else you’d like.
Things are not hopeless and I hope you realize that – today. In any event, I do wish you the best. You are welcome to contact me if you wish.
Please don’t do this. I understand how you feel, but I promise, pills will make it worse. I have attempted to overdose more times than I can remember, and it just made me feel worse.
You are not a monster for crying and self harming, because I do the exact same thing.
Life can be hell, but before you do anything, make a list of things to live for. If there is even one little thing on the list like “I want to be a vet”. Use that. The string that is holding me at the moment is my desire to be a psychologist and help children and teens that are suffering.
Think of the lives that you, and only you could save, if you keep yours.
Even though I have never met you, and even though I may never meet you, I care. What you write, I could have written myself.
Lots of love
From a lonely girl
hi – we need more
compassionate vets out in the world so I hope you reconsider staying in the game and being a service to animals. They seem to get those of us who don’t feel like anyone gets us.
I bet you would be a really good vet.
Uhg, I must be Bipolar or something. I feel really good today. Thanks for all the positive… Again. I almost feel like I am begging for attention. Anyways, I found hope and didn’t do it, thanks to you guys. 🙂 Have a great day.