Life is fucking hard. I think we can all relate to that. It’s sort of like being in a fight. We roll with the punches and when we’re knocked down, we get back up…but what about when we’re punched so hard that we’re dizzy and seeing stars? What about when we can barely stand up? What if we get knocked out? What happens if life wins the fight? What then? Someone tell me, please. I’ve been fighting relentlessly – and I don’t want to anymore. I’m dizzy and seeing stars; I can barely stand up on my own. Right now, life is winning the fight – and honestly? I don’t care.
It’s crazy, it’s like an on going cycle of picking yourself up and continuing with the journey, getting dragged back down and having to begin searching for ways to get back up again….but sometimes you don’t get what you’re looking for so signing out from life becomes your only choice …I get it , I hate this but I truly get it…..but I don’t know how much more we have to get 😐
I guess you’re suppose to step back a moment, and shake off the punch and go for a different approach. Maybe a different technique.
Your post sounds so much like what I’m feeling constantly. To answer one of your questions: What happens if life wins the fight? Answer: life always wins the fight, and then you die. I suppose as long as you’re alive & active, then life hasn’t won yet. But that also means you’re obligated to keep fighting.
Like Sofie says, if you can take a step back and regroup, you might be able to go a few more rounds. But sometimes I think the best thing to do when you’re knocked down is stay down. Stop struggling and maybe the beatings will slow down.
If this was a fight I think the referee would have stopped it long ago.
How could the outcome of life winning a fight result in a net loss of life? Listen, your great-great-great-great-[x10000000 or so] grandparents were frogs and they had to evade the ancient relatives of crocodiles in a swamp somewhere, or get eaten. Life would win, but life would also lose. And so it goes. Now 30,000,000 years later, and that life is still kickin’, so I guess they didn’t get eaten by crocodiles after all. You are an epic legacy of survival and it’s written into your genes by virtue of life. Don’t do the crocodile’s job for him.
If at first you don’t succeed, think. The only person who can stop you from doing what you want to do, being who you want to be and living the life you want to live is you. You’re also the only person who can give you all the things you want. Pick yourself up and take control of your life. Then live it to its fullest.